So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 804: Your ex-girlfriend's wedding (2)

If there is no road leading to the island, you must take a boat. The car is parked at the pier. A yacht will pick them up.

On the luxury yacht, standing a man in a white T-shirt, wearing eyepieces, smiling at them, obviously greeted them, Ji Anning whispered, "Are the yacht drivers so handsome nowadays."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng turned his head and glanced at Ji Anning with an unpleasant look.

Ji Anning also had a personality, and she became stubborn. She pretended not to see it, and speeded up her pace to walk in front of Ji Chicheng.

On the yacht, the gentleman in the white T-shirt greeted them standing on the yacht nodded slightly at her.

Being polite, Ji Anning also nodded to him. When she took a closer look, she realized that the man's hair was a little curly, which should be self-rolling, and the gentlemanly demeanor he showed was not deliberate, and it was very comfortable and comfortable feel.

Ji Anning knew that this was already a temperament.

She also finally understood what Ji Chicheng's look at her meant. This sunny and handsome man is definitely not just a yacht driver.

"Shao Ji."

When Ji Chicheng embarked on the yacht, the man nodded slightly at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng smiled, "Shao Shao."

Young Master Su... As expected, fortunately, her voice was not loud just now, otherwise she would be ashamed.

Ji Anning was puzzled. Without Ji Chicheng, she could hold all kinds of scenes when she went out alone, but when she was with Ji Chicheng, she became like a child who couldn't do without the eyelids of her parents.

She couldn't help but leaned against Ji Chicheng, and she felt safe when she was close to him.

This is the first time Ji Anning has seen Ji Chicheng be so polite to people. She was wondering who this man could make Ji Chicheng treat others politely. Ji Chicheng suddenly introduced to her, "The person in charge of the Vivid Resort, Rong Su Yan, vice president of Sheng Group."

Hearing this, Ji Anning opened her mouth wide, and looked at the handsome man in front of her again. She knew that this person was not in the pool, and she did not expect the title to be that big.

Su Yan took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of deep eyes. He is of mixed blood, and his eyes with extremely long eyelashes are the most obvious.

I heard that the president and vice president of Rongsheng swept the mall, wisdom and beauty coexist, and it really deserves its reputation.

Ji Anning was surprised, and then generously reached out to Su Yan, "Hello, President Su."

Su Yan stretched out her hand and shook her shook, then looked at the people in Ji Chicheng's arms again, "This is what Ji Shao said...little niece?"

He pursed his lips, the corners of his mouth trembled slightly, obviously holding back a smile.

Before Ji Chicheng could answer, Ji Anning smiled and said first: "No, I am the little niece."

She pointed to herself first, and then pointed to Su Yan one after another, "This is his grand-nephew and daughter."

Before she finished her words, Ji Chicheng gave her a look of "Ji Anning, you are dead".

"Su Yan."

Suddenly, someone in the cabin called Su Yan, a very energetic woman's voice, Ji Anning was the first to look in the direction of the sound.

A woman in a **** swimsuit is standing in the yacht cabin and waving to them.

The woman is wearing eyepieces and earphones with a bright smile on her face, her other hand is holding the steering wheel of the yacht.

"Wow, so cool." Ji Anning sighed.

She thinks women driving racing yachts are cool, but she doesn't envy them.