So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 803: Your ex-girlfriend's wedding (1)

Mentioning her feet, Ji Mingyue lowered her eyes sadly. She didn't have much confidence in her standing up again.

She patted the back of Ji Jingfeng's hand, and did not continue the topic, "It's good if you have this heart. Go ahead."

Ji Jingfeng nodded, "Okay, I will let Jiaqi come to accompany you today."

After speaking, he got up and told the servant who happened to be passing by: "You take good care of my sister-in-law at home. Listen more. She can't leave people around her at all times."

The servant nodded hurriedly, "I know Master Jing Feng."

Ji Jingfeng raised his foot and walked towards the door. Ji Mingyue watched his tall figure leave with relief in his eyes.

In her heart, Ji Jingfeng is now her, the only hope of the Ji family.

When he got in the car, Ji Jingfeng looked at the fountain spraying water and curled his lips gloomily.

He reached out, picked up the phone, dialed a number, and put it to his ear.

"Check where Ji Chicheng and the others have gone."


Ji Anning slept in the car and woke up to find that they were on the coastal road. She grew up in Haicheng. Although she didn't go out often, she still knew something about Haicheng. This kind of road around the mountain and the sea, It's definitely not in the sea.

She was also on this road for the first time. Along the coast, tall coconut trees passed her sight. Such a seascape full of natural flavors was something she had never seen before.

Sweeping outside, she raised her wrist and looked at the watch, and found that she had slept for forty minutes, which means that they had been driving for nearly three hours.

She couldn't help asking Ji Chicheng next to her again, "Uncle, where are you taking me?"

Ji Chicheng had a computer on his lap, and his beautiful hands were busy typing on the keyboard. He didn't look at Ji Anning, and faintly responded to her three words, "Honeymoon."

Ji Anning felt that her curiosity was too strong. That's why Ji Chicheng hung her in this way, so she didn't plan to ask any more questions. He turned his head to enjoy the scenery outside.

But this is the first time for a family of three to go out together. Such a beautiful journey, whether it is for work or travel, she is very happy.

She opened the window a little bit, and the wind blew in. It was not as cool as the sea breeze. She was a little surprised, and she simply opened the window. The natural sea breeze came oncoming with the smell of the sea.

Ji Anning put his cheek in his hand and looked outside, facing the sun, squinting his eyes slightly.

Gradually, a small island like a dream kingdom came into her eyes.

Ji Anning's eyes lit up, and she stretched out her hand to point to the island, and asked Ji Chicheng excitedly, "Uncle, are we going to that place?"

Ji Chicheng raised his head and looked at Ji Anning's outstretched hand. He frowned solemnly, "Retract your hand."

"Oh." Ji Anning quickly retracted his hand and looked at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng's expression gradually eased, he glanced at the island, and then gave a blank ‘um’.

"You really took me and one after another to travel."

Ji Anning still doesn't believe that Ji Chicheng took her out for travel during this period.

Her voice became louder, Ji Chicheng glanced at her sideways, frowned, and did not speak.

But that expression fully showed Ji Anning's displeasure towards him, and Ji Anning curled his lips, "Oh, I was just surprised."

She did not ask similar questions for the journey since.