So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 805: Your ex-girlfriend's wedding (3)

"Ji Shao, you are more handsome than the picture."

The woman suddenly opened the window of the cab and shouted at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng smiled faintly, and Su Yan's introduction came around him, "That's my love."

Hearing this, Ji Anning was a little surprised. She took a look at Su Yan again, and then looked at the active woman in the cab. They felt that they were two extremes.

One cold, one hot.

Will two people with such personalities have a common language and hobbies together?

After thinking about it, Mr. Su's beloved wife started the yacht, and when the yacht sailed off the shore, she quickly drove to the island like the dream kingdom.

"Lifelike Resort"

Standing at the entrance of the resort, Ji Anning looked at the name of the resort and couldn't help showing envy in his eyes.

"Uncle, I heard that this is a combination of the names of President Rongsheng and his wife."

She is the envy and yearning for beautiful love, "They are really a destined couple."

A woman's voice suddenly came from behind, "Your names are also very good, Chicheng is turned upside down, the city, his city will protect you and peace, and it sounds more majestic than lifelike."

It was Master Su’s beloved wife. She didn’t feel anything when she finished talking. She was envious of her. She yelled after Su Yan, “No, I’m going to change my name. You will do what you say to me in the future."

Su Yan nodded, "Well, as soon as I speak, you must act."

After saying that he would not give Miss Xin a chance to speak, he immediately stared at her feet without shoes and said: "Go and put on your shoes."

Miss Xin: "..."


Ji Anning couldn't help but laughed ‘Puff’. She approached Ji Chicheng and muttered to herself in a low voice, “It turns out that the two extremes together are more worthwhile and more interesting.”

She said she smiled and raised her head to look at the man next to her, the tall man who needed her to look up.

‘He protects you from this city...’

Yes, she has a city, why should she envy others?

The more Ji Anning thought about it, the more she felt very happy, and she couldn't help but stretched out her hand to take Ji Chicheng's arm.


Su Yan entertained them for a meal, and Ji Chicheng led Ji Anning back to the room to rest.

But when Ji Anning woke up, Ji Chicheng was no longer in the room. He woke up one after another, sitting on the sofa watching TV.

In the daytime, the sleepier and sleepier it is usually, Ji Anning yawns after getting out of bed, she walks to the side and asks one after another: "One after another, where is Dad?"

Shaking their heads one after another, "I don't know."

do not know?

Where did this man go? Ji Anning was wondering, the door opened, it was Ji Chicheng.

He changed into casual clothes, a smoky gray T-shirt, and white sweatpants. When he walked in, Ji Anning greeted him, "Uncle, where have you been?"

Ji Chicheng took a look at her and said, "Change clothes and go to dinner later."

Ji Anning heard the words, did not ask much, nodded with a ‘oh’, then went to wash.

She wanted to follow him in a daze anyway, and just listen to his arrangements.

The super large-scale resort is also the only resort in the country with its own airport. Tourists from all over the world, even if it is not the best time for swimming, the popularity is still bursting.

The Chinese and Western-style restaurant, the whole building, the simple and atmospheric decoration style, the waiter led them to the second floor, the most close to the seaside box.