So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 802: National Uncle (9)

Ji Jingfeng followed behind her.

Yang Yufang saw Ji Anning dragging a box and approached her with gleaming eyes, "Anning, are you going out?"

Ji Anning ignored her and raised her foot indifferently.

Yang Yufang chased up, "Your sister-in-law has no right to let you go. Isn't the grandfather of this house left for you?"

Seeing Yang Yufang holding Ji Anning away, Ji Jingfeng's eyes flashed with hatred. He stretched out his hand and said to her: "Mom, Anning stays at home, my sister-in-law will only get even more angry."

Now they want to hold Ji Mingyue's thighs, and getting shares is king.

Yang Yufang thought that Ji Anning was driven out of the house by Ji Mingyue, and she still couldn't bear it. She said angrily: "But Anning is our family, why can't we live at home? Your grandfather gave her the house."

"Huh!" Ji Jingfeng snorted coldly, "Grandpa gave the shares to my sister-in-law."

He simply stopped acting, so he raised his chin and looked directly at Ji Anning with provocative eyes.

Ji Anning glanced at him, completely disdainful, turned around and went downstairs one after another, disappearing into the sight of Ji Jingfeng and Yang Yufang.

Yang Yufang was a little distressed, but in the end she didn't catch up. She turned her head and coldly warned Ji Jingfeng, "Jing Feng, don't forget Anning when you are in a hurry. Ji Anning is always Ji Anning and his surname is Ji."

Then she raised her foot again and walked towards the stairs.

Ji Jingfeng stared at her back and replied coolly: "Mom, I will not forget."


"Ji Chicheng, if you don't give me the shares Dad gave me, I will sue you."

When Ji Anning went downstairs, she saw the two siblings who were facing each other. She was holding the box lever tightly, and she was full of steps nervously.

Ji Mingyue forced Ji Chicheng to give her the shares his father gave her.

Ji Chicheng answered her calmly, "You should calm down first, and I will leave your sight for a few days as you wish."

Speaking, she turned and walked towards Ji Anning. When she came to her, she bent over to pick her up. Then she grabbed a small hand and said in her ear: "Say goodbye to my aunt."

"Auntie is at home."

The obedient people waved their hands to Ji Mingyue, the sweet voice forced Ji Mingyue to look away from the cold.

"Let's go." Ji Chicheng greeted Ji Anning indifferently, raising his foot to the gate.

Ji Anning shrank his neck and followed him like a thief.

The man on the side frowned dissatisfied when seeing her shrinking his head, "Ji Anning, this is your own home."

Ji Anning ignored her, she just stalked and slipped out of the door. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. Now facing the angry Ji Mingyue, she felt so stressed.

Seeing Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning go out of the gate, Ji Chicheng didn't even look back. Ji Mingyue reached out angrily and pushed everything on the coffee table to the ground, falling apart.

Yang Yufang, who was so scared that he had just come downstairs, stopped.

Ji Jingfeng hurriedly rushed to Ji Mingyue to comfort him, "Sister, don't be angry."

As he spoke, he thoughtfully reached out his hand to help her back smoothly.

Ji Mingyue reached out and grabbed Ji Jingfeng's hand, with red eyes and tears in his eyes, choked and told him, "Jing Feng, you must manage the company well and don't let my sister-in-law and grandpa down."

Ji Jingfeng nodded, "Don't worry, I will not disappoint my sister-in-law and grandpa."

As he said, he looked at Ji Mingyue’s feet with a distressed look: "And sister, you have to pay attention to your body. When Fuxing’s project is officially launched and stabilized, I will take you to M country for treatment. Even if you travel around the world, I will It will definitely make you stand up again."

(Let’s go to nine chapters today. The monthly pass has been overtaken by the next one. Don’t save up, ah, the monthly pass can’t give birth to a small monthly pass. Brother Yang is so hot every day, hardworking...)