So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 801: Uncle National (8)

"Four Sisters."

Ji Mingyue doesn't remember how long it has been since he heard Ji Chicheng call this name. He has almost no impression, very strange and unfamiliar.

Her hands on her legs trembled, but her mouth was still pressed, and Ji Chicheng didn't respond.

Ji Chicheng went on to say: "I don't bother asking for a single bit of this family, but I won't let the single bit of this family be exposed."

"Jing Feng's ability is not as good as yours." Ji Mingyue turned to look at Ji Chicheng, "but he is at least dedicated to this family. He knows how to grow and he is obedient. How about you?"

She knew that even if he put the knife on Ji Chicheng's neck now, it was impossible to change his decision to be with Ji Anning.

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Ji Chicheng to say anything. She once again turned her face away disheartenedly and didn't look at him, "I don't want to tell you anymore. Give me the share authorization tomorrow, and you will disappear with Ji Anning. My vision, I would assume that there is no brother like you."

Ji Chicheng also felt that it was impossible to convince Ji Mingyue at once.

With her attitude, if she tells her the identity of Ji Jingfeng and Ji Anning, she will either not believe it or oppose it more strongly, maybe she will really force her to death.

Ji Chicheng thought, put down the fruit knife in his hand, stood up, looked down at Ji Mingyue, and faintly said to her: "The share authorization letter should be left with me first."

She raised her foot and walked towards the stairs.


Ji Chicheng pushed open the door of Ji Anning's room. The room was dark, only the light from Ji Anning's mobile phone.

She is sitting on the head of the bed.

"Why don't you turn on the lights?"

Ji Chicheng asked, reaching out and turning on the light.

Ji Anning hurriedly made a "hush" motion to him, got up to meet him, and whispered: "I have been making trouble for a while, just fell asleep, don't wake her up."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng didn't step forward any more. He greeted Ji Anning: "Pack your luggage."

Ji Anning heard this and asked nervously: "Is it still not settled? Do you want to move out?"

Ji Chicheng sank the corners of his mouth and nodded, "Yes, we are going to be wandering on the streets."

"Hey." Ji Anning sighed and said with a sad look: "It doesn't matter if we move away, but sister-in-law will be very sad."

She didn't know where she came from. Although the sister-in-law was her aunt, she never received any care from her since she was a child.

Looking at Ji Anning's tangled appearance, Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand and flicked her frowning eyebrows, "Just pack the simple luggage and go out for about two or three days."

Explain to her, then he turned and went out.

Go out for two or three days? Ji Anning looked at Ji Chicheng's back and asked curiously: "Where are we going, uncle?"

"Take you on your honeymoon in advance."

Ji Chicheng just arrived at the door and answered Ji Anning, then he opened the door and left the room.

Ji Anning was left alone and depressed.

Take her to her honeymoon in advance? Do you want to take her to travel?

Impossible, at this time, he has so many things to do, how could he take her to travel.

Forget it, I don't want to, anyway, she would just follow him wherever he goes.

Ji Anning packed up a medium-sized suitcase and packed simple toiletries, most of which were stuffed.

She dragged the box, holding hands in succession, and walked towards the top of the stairs. Ji Chicheng was waiting for them in the living room.

When passing by Yang Yufang's room, Yang Yufang's door just opened, her footsteps instinctively paused, and Yang Yufang came out of the room neatly dressed.