So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 800: Uncle National (7)

"It's shameless."

Lin Yanqin looked at Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning as if they were not close to others, and took the opportunity to fan the flames in front of Ji Mingyue.

Ji Mingyue closed her eyes with a cold face, as if she had given up on them both.

Ji Chicheng nodded to Ji Anning, before Ji Anning let go. He didn't even dare to look at Ji Mingyue. He lowered his head and ran up the stairs and slid upstairs.

She doesn't care, anyway, something is blocked by my uncle.

Seeing Ji Anning go upstairs, Ji Chicheng withdrew his gaze, took a deep look at Ji Mingyue, then reluctantly shrugged his shoulders, raised his foot and walked in front of her.

Then looked at Lin Yanqin on the side and said, "Sister-in-law is so late, go upstairs and rest."

Lin Yanqin felt ashamed of her dignity. She raised her head and frowned and looked at Ji Chicheng: "I can't wait for Ji Chicheng's home?"

Ji Chicheng nodded without changing his face, "Theoretically, this is the case. The father left this home to Anning."

"You..." Lin Yanqin glared but couldn't find words to fight back. She became angry and became angry. "The old man was irritated by your vulgarity. If he had known you and Ji Anning's ethical and moral relationship, he would definitely not give you one. A cent."

After speaking, she got up, stared at Ji Chicheng's face and gave a cold snort, and left angrily.

Ji Chicheng bent down and sat down beside Ji Mingyue.

He glanced at the dried fruits placed on the coffee table, thought for a moment, reached out his hand to grab a handful of pistachios, peeled one, and then handed it to Ji Mingyue, "An Ning told me not to confront you, as you beat and scold."

When Ji Mingyue heard this, instead of feeling a little more comfortable, she became even more angry.

Because Ji Chicheng, who has always been at home without anyone, actually sat down to please her peacefully for Ji Anning's request, and... and even peeled her pistachios.

This treatment, the old man never had before his death.

Ji Mingyue didn't reach out to pick up the pistachio he peeled, and didn't speak. Ji Chicheng pursed his lips helplessly, put the pistachio down, and got up to pick up the plastic fruit plate that Ji Mingyue had just smashed out.

Then began to peel the fruit.

In the living room, two siblings, one trembling with a cold face, and the other calmly peeling fruit.

As time passed, no one dared to bother.

The sound of Ji Chicheng's knife cutting the fruit'Sasha' made Ji Mingyue upset.

Finally, she couldn't remain silent, and turned her head to roar at Ji Chicheng, "If you must be with her, take her away from Ji's house. Don't let me see it, don't remind me that you will be given to you. Furious."

Since her feet were crippled, her temper became particularly irritable. When she got angry, her roar was louder than before.

The huge living room is all her echo.

But Ji Chicheng is still very calm. He made a simple fruit plate and pushed it in front of Ji Mingyue, "Eat some fruits. There are three kinds of fruits in it that are suitable for you now."

Ji Mingyue couldn't scream at his calm roar, so she didn't look at him.

Ji Chicheng looked at her and said calmly: "I can live in this house with peace, but listen to my words, don't give the shares to Ji Jingfeng, just put it in your name."

"Heh", Ji Mingyue sneered, "The Ji family can't count on you, can't I still count on my nephew?"