So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 794: National Uncle (1)

She thought for a while she would call Qi Helian, because she felt that how she explained, the aunt didn’t believe it, and she couldn’t tell her directly. The daughter of her uncle.

The store was sealed by Qi Xiaoxiao's assistant at the door, and no other guests came in.

Qi Xiaoxiao hugged her without letting go, and personally picked her pants.


Suddenly they pointed their fingers higher, and Qi Xiaoxiao followed the look, with two violins on them, one pink and one blue.

After taking a look, she asked with a petting look, "Do you like the violin?"

Nodded one after another.

Toys and snacks, she has nothing to dislike.

"Your father likes the violin. When I was young, he always played small songs to make me happy." Qi Xiaoxiao said as she raised her hand and took the violin off.

She took a handful of pink and handed them to one after another.

They got them one after another and felt very fresh, so they plucked the strings with their fingers and made a sound. She was very happy, "It's fun."

I completely forgot that the pants she was wearing were still wet, and forgot the shame of peeing.

"Wait for my father to come, let him tell us, OK?" Qi Xiaoxiao said and kissed her on the cheek again.

Ji Anning stood silently on the side, she even really doubted, are they really Qi Helian's children?

Look at Qi Helian's mother, it is obvious that she is loving her granddaughter.


The phone rang suddenly. It was a WeChat alert. She took it out of her pocket and took a look. It was sent by Ji Chicheng.

"I will pick you up now."

Just six words, Ji Anning finished reading, and replied ‘OK’, ready to put away the phone, and when he looked up, he saw Qi Xiaoxiao kissing her face again.

She suddenly had the idea of ​​mischief in her heart, and she raised her mobile phone, took pictures of Qi Xiaoxiao's family members, and sent them to Ji Chicheng, "Grandma in succession."

Ji Chicheng immediately replied to her, "Where is Qi Helian?"

When Master Ji saw the photo, the first thing he thought of was whether Qi Helian was also there.

He seems jealous? A little sweetness rose in Ji Anning's heart, she hadn't seen him jealous yet.

She has to tease him.

So she just didn't answer positively, "Come here, let's have a meal together tonight."

I wanted to cheer Ji Chicheng's appetite, thinking that he would be anxious and would ask questions, but he didn't expect that he would not reply to the news.

After waiting for a long time without waiting for Ji Chicheng to reply, Ji Anning pouted and was about to call him, but a familiar man's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"what are you doing?"

Just behind her ear, very close to her, she instinctively turned her head to face Qi Helian's coquettish smile.

"Shao Qi."

After saying hello, Ji Anning turned around.

Qi Helian was wearing a light blue and gray checkered suit and a light pink shirt. The eyeliner at the corner of his eyes had not been completely removed.

Ji Anning looked at him again and asked: "You just came from the set?"

As she asked, she pulled out a wet tissue from her bag, took out one, and handed it to Qi Helian, "wipe the corners of her eyes, the eyeliner hasn't been removed yet."

"I accepted an interview in the afternoon. The makeup artist was on the Kyoto studio. Today I used the makeup artist of the TV station." Qi Helian reached out and took the tissue, preparing to wipe the corner of his right eye.

Ji Anning pointed at the corner of his left eye and said: "Not over there, here, here."