So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 793: Have two dads? (Fives)

"Ah, you are... you are that..."

Seeing Ji Anning’s face, the salesperson was surprised and excited, "Li Nianjia, the star of Scarlet Night."

She was recognized again, and she has few works.

Ji Anning rolled her eyes secretly, then turned her head and smiled to the salesperson: "You have admitted the wrong person, I am not, but every day, many people recognize me as her, which is really annoying."

Hearing that, the salesperson looked at her face incredulously, "That's too similar."

"Let me take a look."

Several other salespersons also leaned over, staring at Ji Anning's face.

At this moment, two more guests came in at the door.

"Auntie, this is not bad, big gift box, simple and convenient."

A young girl entered the door and picked up a baby gift bag on the display cabinet, and said to the middle-aged woman following her.

When a customer came, other salespersons hurried over to greet.

The girl's voice was too crisp and too loud, Ji Anning's gaze couldn't help but looked there, and the middle-aged woman who was with the girl happened to look at her.

Looking at each other, Ji Anning and the middle-aged woman were both taken aback, their eyes flashed with surprise.


That woman has such a pair of coquettish narrow and long phoenix eyes. She is middle-aged and still has collagen on her face. Who is Qi Xiaoxiao who is not Qi Helian's mother?

When Qi Xiaoxiao took the initiative to say hello, Ji Anning reacted and nodded politely, "Hello, Auntie."

"Wow, Qi Xiaoxiao."

The salesperson recognized Qi Xiaoxiao one by one, and couldn't control his emotions.

Qi Xiaoxiao hurriedly made a "hush" motion to them and motioned them not to say anything.

Several salespersons received the signal and nodded together.

"Ouch, I finally saw my good granddaughter."

Qi Xiaoxiao looked down and found the little ones, and his eyes lit up, "Little baby, he looks as cute as ours, kiss."

She walked quickly to her side, bent over to pick up the little girl, and kissed her left and right on her face.

Ji Anning: "..."

This aunt, where did she tell that she and her brother-in-law’s daughter and her son look alike?

"Oh, what happened to these pants?" Qi Xiaoxiao hugged her for a long time before discovering that she was peeing her pants. He smiled and patted her buttocks twice, "Our baby is peeing her pants?"

Looking blankly at this grandma who is very enthusiastic to her? Auntie?

Suddenly, Qi Xiaoxiao's cell phone rang, and Ji Anning hurriedly reached out to pick them up, "Auntie, give me a hug."

"No need." Qi Xiaoxiao shook her head and pulled out her mobile phone from her bag. On the screen was a picture of Qi Helian. She asked, "Who is this?"

They glanced at them one after another, and answered without hesitation: "Dad."

"Awesome, let my dad come and pick us up in a while." Qi Xiaoxiao kissed Qi Helian's face before answering Qi Helian's call, and she smiled mysteriously, "Guess who I am with now together."

Ji Anning was speechless, there was such a coincidence in the world, and he should correct the name he called Qi Helian.

But didn't Qi Helian tell his mother about their relationship?

After thinking, Qi Xiaoxiao ended the call with Qi Helian, and said to Ji Anning: "Let’s have dinner together tonight, it just so happens that I am in the sea tonight."

Ji Anning narrowed her mouth and didn't know how to refuse. Is this also a kind of aura of Qi Damei?

(The guarantee is eight chapters. Basically, there are ten more chapters this month. Only eight chapters were updated yesterday and another day. This amount of updates is really the most in the entire reading, except on the day when it was released and the omni-channel explosion. Yes, brother Yang's cervical spine hurts so much. If you have tickets, don't keep them, at least to make your heart not hurt, good night...)