So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 795: National Uncle (2)

She raised her head slightly, instructing Qi Helian where to wipe.

"Helian, you are here."

Qi Xiaoxiao saw Qi Helian and shouted at him inside.

Qi Helian raised his head and looked inside. Ji Anning also turned his head and glanced at Qi Xiaoxiao, then lowered his voice and said to Qi Helian, "I found that your mother is so difficult to communicate. No explanation is useful. "

Qi Helian retracted his gaze, looked at Ji Anning, raised his eyebrows, "Do you really think she is stupid?"


Ji Anning didn't understand what Qi Helian meant.

"Little girl, you forgot how good her acting skills are." Seeing Ji Anning's ignorant and confused look, Qi Helian reached out and patted her head dozingly, "She is the goddess of high EQ and IQ."

When he said that he retracted his hand, he raised his head and looked in Qi Xiaoxiao's direction again. He looked at the people she was holding in his hand, and shouted with a smile: "Han."

He raised his foot and walked over.

They noticed Qi Helian and happily called him, "Dad."

Qi Helian walked to Qi Xiaoxiao and stopped, "You finally came back, why did you come to visit the children's clothing store?"

As he asked Qi Xiaoxiao, he stretched out his hands and took them away from her.

"Hey." Qi Xiaoxiao suddenly sighed sadly, and said: "Old Feng's grandson is gone, shouldn't I go and see, congratulations."

Qi Helian knew what his mother was going to say next, and held back a smile, pretending to be surprised, "Feng Tianyu has a son?"

"Yes, I was born more than nine kilograms, and I have very good hair. Old Feng is screaming in the group." Qi Xiaoxiao said enviously, and looked at Qi Helian with a hatred of iron and steel, "You kid won't give me it." Don't worry, people about your age are married and have children."

Qi He laughed, "People are playing outside and have to get married. Your son is so pure and doesn't need to be married."

As he said, he immediately turned his attention to Dian Dian, "I like the violin."

He looked at the pink violins in his hands, plucking the strings with his slender fingers.

Qi Xiaoxiao also watched, "One after another, let my father teach you to play the violin."

"Okay." They nodded and looked at Qi Helian enthusiastically.

"Hole, I taught us to play the violin one after another."

Qi Helian bends down and puts them down one after another. He squatted behind him, put the violin on the neck of him, grasped her hand, and taught her to pull it.

I tried to pull it twice, and the noise came out, and then the music was gradually pulled out.

‘Twinkle and twinkle, the sky is full of small stars, hanging in the sky to shine bright, like many small eyes...’

At this time, the outside of the store was blocked by Qi Helian's fans. Qi Helian played the violin with him inside, and they sang to the music together outside the door.

Ji Anning stared in surprise at the man who was watching and doting on his face.

In my memory, the player who played the violin on the square of the train station led many people to sing along. She was obviously a beautiful girl.

She was wearing a white shirt, short hair, and fringe bangs, but why she thought about her facial features and the outline of her facial features overlapped with the man in front of her.

Ji Anning was thinking unbelievably when the violin music suddenly stopped.

A little star was over, and there was an uproar outside.

Qi Helian raised his head and looked at Ji Anning, knowing what she was thinking of, he cocked his neck and smiled at her.

He said: "All women in the world are liars, especially Qi Xiaoxiao."