So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 792: Have two dads? (four)

Her voice paused, and then raised her eyebrows again, "What? You are with your child niece and daughter-in-law, so angry with the old man, you still have the face to want a company?"

Ji Chicheng heard Ji Mingyue's words, his depressed hands clenched his fists.

He turned his head and looked at Ji Jingfeng coldly, "J.C is surnamed Ji."

Then he walked away with long legs and walked heavily towards the J.C gate.

He thought, with Ji Mingyue's current attitude, even if he revealed the identity of Ji Jingfeng, she would not believe it.

He will also be deemed to have made rumors to seize the company.

Besides, Ji Anning is now a public figure. If their identities are exposed, public opinion will definitely overwhelm Ji Anning.

When the time comes, the lives of one another will be disturbed, which is beyond his control.


"Little master, the eldest lady is still yelling, too loud, or let her come out."

When Ji Chicheng got out of the elevator, he happened to run into Wu Tezhu and Lawyer Liu.

Wu Te helped discuss Lin Yanqin’s affairs with him. He ignored him and walked towards the president’s office. Attorney Liu followed him and whispered: "Little master, I don’t know how Miss Mingyue knew about the will. This will, only young master you and I have seen, did anyone know when the chairman made this will."

Ji Chicheng converged his eyes for a moment to think, then stepped past the topic and asked Lawyer Liu: "How about Ji Jingfeng's acquisition of shares?"

Lawyer Liu said: "The two shareholders have signed, because Master Jing Feng’s price far exceeds the current value of JC shares, and several others nodded, but among them, they hold 6.5 percent of the shares. So far, there is no movement. He holds the most shares among all shareholders."

Upon hearing this, Ji Chicheng said without hesitation: "Contact him."

Lawyer Liu said: "Ma Wenwen's son got married at the end of this month. The wedding was held at the Xuxusheng Resort in Coastal County, so their family has recently been in Coastal County."

Ji Chicheng stopped, looked at Lawyer Liu and asked, "What number?"

Lawyer Liu thought for a while and replied: "It seems to be the 30th. The other shareholders in the company have all received the invitation, and Master Jing Feng must have received it too."

"Got it."

Ji Chicheng nodded and continued to lift his foot forward.


On the third floor of the shopping mall, the whole floor is full of children's items, and the children's amusement park area is very large and large, which makes people divert.

They were all crazy, and they didn't know how to scream when they peeed. She peeed on her body, because she would yell when going to the toilet, so when she went out, Ji Anning didn't bring her spare pants, and now only buys new ones for her to change.

They randomly entered the house, Ji Anning flipped through the shelf, picked out a pair of long-length trousers and a pair of outer trousers, holding them together and asked, "Do you like this?"

It was particularly uncomfortable to urinate on his body, and his legs spread apart, and one of his hands kept pulling the pants behind his buttocks to prevent the wet pants from touching the buttocks.

She glanced at the pants Ji Anning was holding in her hand, a pair of white and simple jeans. She pouted and shook her head, "I don't like it, I don't like it."

Ji Anning laughed irritably, "I'm so picky when he wets."

She hung the pants back and picked them again.

At this time, the salesperson came over, first looked at Ji Anning and asked, "Are you buying them for her?"

"Yes." Ji Anning nodded, she was still picking it up seriously.