So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 791: Have two dads? (three)

Ji Chicheng's action when he closes the car door suddenly stopped.

He clenched his fist tightly with the other hand, this feeling of being threatened, he tried for the first time.

He would never allow another time.

He pushed the car door again, got out of the car, closed the car door with a ‘bang’, then walked towards Ji Jingfeng in a rush, walked over, grabbed him by the collar, and punched him with his fist.

Everything came too fast and it was unexpected.

Ji Jingfeng was hit by Ji Chicheng and fell to the ground. Both nosebleeds and tooth blood were beaten out. He was shocked before reacting, lying on the ground, holding his beaten face and staring at Ji Chicheng.

"Ji Chicheng, how do you beat people."

Yang Yufang yelled at Ji Chicheng, and then hurried to help Ji Jingfeng.

Reporter Zheng who got off the Buick saw this scene and was delighted in his heart. This is big news.

He quickly took out his phone and prepared to take pictures.

Ji Chicheng suddenly turned around, glared at him, stretched out his hand to **** the phone in his hand, threw it into the distance, and threw it into the middle of the road. With a'pop', just a car came and pressed it over the phone. .

The reporter hadn't reacted yet, Ji Chicheng shouted at him again: "Get out!"

At this time, Ji Chicheng, even Ji Mingyue was scared, let alone a reporter, his phone was smashed, and he didn't want to ask for justice for the time being, so he turned around and drove away.

Ji Chicheng turned around again, approaching Ji Jingfeng and Yang Yufang step by step.

As he approached, Yang Yufang and Ji Jingfeng's footsteps retreated instinctively, and they were all frightened by such Ji Chicheng.

"What shocking news do you want to tell the reporter?" Ji Chicheng raised an eyebrow at Ji Jingfeng coldly, "Aren't you from the Ji family?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Yufang yelled nervously: "Chi Cheng, what are you talking nonsense?"

Ji Chicheng sneered, "It's not the news that Ji Jingfeng, the current president of J.C., is actually not the grandson of the deceased chairman Ji Zhengdao. Then what news can be reported for six months?"

"Ji Chicheng, you beast, are you really frantic?"

When Ji Mingyue heard Ji Chicheng's words, she climbed out of the car. She climbed out of the car, holding on to the door of the car, and climbing down with difficulty.

Upon seeing this, Ji Jingfeng hurried over to help her, "Sister, what are you doing out, go in and sit down."

He hugged Ji Mingyue directly.

Looking at the corner of Ji Jingfeng's bleeding mouth, Ji Mingyue said distressedly: "You get in the car to get a paper wipe, and later go home and let Doctor Zhang find some medicine for you to reduce the swelling."

As she said, she looked at Ji Chicheng coldly, "He has been confused by Ji Anning's own surname and doesn't know anything."

She was heartbroken, and Ji Jingfeng comforted her, "The things about Uncle and Anning, let the outside know, it does affect Ji's reputation a bit, but I believe they love each other sincerely, and I don’t have any thoughts in my heart. ."

Before Ji Jingfeng's words fell, Ji Chicheng suddenly raised his foot, walked up to them in twos or twos, reached out and grabbed Ji Mingyue's other arm, preparing to **** her from Ji Jingfeng.

Ji Mingyue was the first to push him away, "Ji Chicheng, my dad paid the most attention to reputation during his lifetime. Since he was a young man, he has treated you very well. He has given you all his love for our children and even for several grandchildren. , If you still have a little bit of gratitude and a little bit of conscience, just give me a bit of silence."