So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 790: Have two dads? (two)

said blankly: "I remember that, in Dad's will, Dasao and Xiang Ting, you only have fixed assets, and you don't have to participate in company affairs."

After speaking, he got up, closed the computer, turned and walked towards the door of the conference room.

Wu Te helped well-trained tidy up all Ji Chicheng's things and followed him.

"This old man is really mad at me. Lin Yanqin has been a widow in their Ji family for more than ten years, and he actually treated me this way."

Lin Yanqin felt wronged the more she talked, she burst into tears, "I'm not alive."

She was lying on the conference table, crying loudly.

Because of the breath in my heart, I really couldn't swallow it. It had nothing to do with property, but she and Yang Yufang had been in a civil war for a lifetime, and had the upper hand for a lifetime. When she was old, she would be suppressed.

Ji Chicheng, who had just left the door of the conference room, heard Lin Yanqin's grievances and wailing, his footsteps stopped, he frowned, and a look of disgust flashed across his handsome face.

Wu Tezhu also stopped, and felt that Lin Yanqin's cry was too unpleasant, and it was in the company, which had a great impact.

He deliberated and discussed with Ji Chicheng, "Young Master, do you want me to persuade the lady."

Ji Chicheng replied coldly: "Lock the door, let her cry, tell her not to cry for two hours and not to come out."

After speaking, he raised his foot and continued to move forward.

Leaving Wu Te help stunned in place, the corners of his mouth twitched, locked up, and would not let it out without crying for two hours.

Only the young master would do it and dare to do it.

Ji Chicheng chased all the way to the door, just in time to see Ji Jingfeng helping Ji Mingyue get into the car. He rushed over and pulled the door that Ji Jingfeng was about to close.

"What are you doing?" Ji Jingfeng looked at Ji Chicheng with a nervous expression.

Ji Chicheng ignored him, he wanted to get in the car, but Ji Jingfeng was in front of him and refused to let him get in.

He twisted his eyebrows and gave Ji Jingfeng a cold look, "Get out of the way."

The tone of the command.

Ji Jingfeng didn't let go, he frowned and looked at Ji Jingfeng aggrievedly, "Uncle, what are you doing? I'll send my sister-in-law back, can't you?"

"Is she your sister-in-law?" Ji Chicheng snorted coldly, then stretched out his hand and pushed Ji Jingfeng hard.

At this time, he was not soft at all, Ji Jingfeng was pushed back by him and staggered a few steps, almost falling.

His rhetorical question asked both Jing Feng and Yang Yufang's faces pale. Seeing that Ji Chicheng was about to get in the car, Yang Yufang hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. She desperately grabbed Ji Jingfeng's arm and pulled him, "Chicheng, Jing Feng is good or bad. Also your nephew, now the president of JC, you have to yell at her, right?"

At least until now, no one except Ji Anning dared to pull him like this, Ji Chicheng frowned, the disgust on his face was not a little bit.

"Let go!"

He gave a cold drink to Yang Yufang, no matter who she was.

Yang Yufang shrank his neck in fright, and his hands were a little loose, Ji Chicheng bent over and got into the car.

"Mr. Ji, I am going to find you. The photos from the other day came out."

At this moment, suddenly a white Buick stopped behind them, and a young man in casual clothes got off the car and walked towards Ji Jingfeng with a slight smile.

When Ji Jingfeng saw the man, his nervous pale face instantly came back to life. He greeted him and said loudly as he walked: "Reporter Zheng, I am looking for you too. There is a shocking news to report to you, enough for you to report. Half a year."