So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 789: Have two dads? (One)

A thick haze is piled on everyone's face, and they are not satisfied with each other's arrangements and proposals.

Ji Chicheng was sitting in the center, where the old man was, everyone was fighting with each other, he was silent as well.


Suddenly, his mobile phone on the table rang, and a WeChat came, he glanced at it, and the sender was Ji Anning.

He stretched out his hand and lazily picked up the phone, "I took it with me in Wanhai Square. You come here to find us at night."

Just after reading the content of the information, Ji Anning suddenly sent a few more pictures of playing in the amusement park. The little girl and two children of about the same age were playing in the car.

A little girl was sitting in the car. She and another little girl were pushing outside. The little girl had a happy smile on her face, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

The thick haze on the handsome face vanished instantly.

Ji Chicheng stared at the phone screen for a full two minutes, while reading Ji Anning's message. Ji Mingyue, who was sitting next to him, looked at him and was not angry.

She looked at the others here, Lin Yanqin and Yang Yufang, as well as Ji Jingfeng, and Ji Xiangting. Apart from Ji Ruoqian who went to school, everyone from the Ji family was here today.

The others didn't say a word, and she glanced at Ji Chicheng with a calm face, "This matter is a foregone conclusion, there is nothing to discuss."

As she closed the computer, the assistant behind her immediately stepped forward to help her clean up the files she was sitting on.

She turned to the door of the conference room in her wheelchair.

"Sister." Ji Jingfeng hurriedly got up, walked behind Ji Mingyue, and pushed her.

Ji Mingyue stretched out her hand, patted the back of Ji Jingfeng's hand, and encouraged him with a smile, "Fu Xing's project is your first project after taking office. My sister is optimistic about you."

Ji Jingfeng nodded and promised, "Don't worry, sister, I will do it well."

Seeing that her son was gone, Yang Yufang felt that she had no need to stay anymore. She did not rush to get up, glanced triumphantly at the mother and daughter Lin Yanqin and Ji Xiangting who were sitting across from each other, and turned to follow the pace of Ji Jingfeng and the others.

She walked out of the conference room with her chin slightly tilted up, her high heels stepped on the floor, and the sound of ‘punk’ made her proud.

Looking at Lin Yanqin, her lungs were going to explode. She raised the blue folder in her hand, slammed it on the table in venting her anger, pointed at the door, and looked at Ji Chicheng and said, "I explained that Yue's brain is violent. ?"

She stretched out her hand and picked up the folder again. As the fan fanned her inner anger, she spit out while fanning, "I actually stood on Yang Yufang's side, and I'm really going back."

She didn't know until now that the old man had given 32% of the shares to Ji Mingyue, not Ji Anning.

In other words, Ji Jingfeng now has a JC president's name at all, and has no shares at all. This is a very pleasant thing. She can go and tell all the shareholders about this matter, and jointly let Ji Jingfeng step down. But Ji Mingyue actually wanted to transfer the shares to Ji Jingfeng.

She is going crazy, really going crazy.

Lin Yanqin complained for a long time, but Ji Chicheng didn't react at all. Lin Yanqin looked at him, "Chicheng?"

Ji Chicheng's face was deep, staring somewhere in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Chicheng?" Lin Yanqin raised the door again and called Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng then took his thoughts back and looked at their mother and daughter.