So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 788: Rushing to the crown and being angry (3)

Then she bends down and picks them up, taking the opportunity to let Jiaqi loose her arms.

At this moment, Sister Wu went up the stairs panting, "Miss Anning, you have gotten up."

Her old man said, took a sigh of relief, pointed fingers, smiled and shook his head, "I can't run away with this little thing."

Ji Anning frowned and looked at them, "Didn’t Mommy tell you before, don’t run fast or go up the stairs so fast."

Her tone was slightly reproachful.

Because she was really hurt and distressed by her time and time again, no matter at home or outside, she would repeatedly tell her not to run.

They lowered their heads, pouting aggrievedly, "I see."

Seeing this scene, Jiaqi, who was standing in front of them, suddenly said, "I took her to play. It's fine if you are not happy to be at me, why do you want to train your children."

She looked at Ji Anning with awe-inspiring justice.

Ji Anning only found it funny, and couldn't find an adjective in her mind for a while to describe Jiaqi's behavior of accusing herself.

She looked at her and smiled faintly: "Miss Jiaqi, you have misunderstood."

Jiaqi snorted coldly, watching Ji Anning's eyes suddenly full of hostility, "Did I misunderstand you, I know in my heart, I know you are Jing Feng's previous fiancee, no wonder I feel familiar."

As she said, her tone became more horizontal, "You have already broken up with Jing Feng, why are you still coming to Ji's house?"

At this moment, Ji Anning didn't feel anything, only a cognition, that is, everyone has two sides.

The Jia Qi she saw yesterday was innocent and innocent.

But today, the style of painting is said to change, so people still have to get along with each other.

But she didn't want to argue with her here, and because of Ji Jingfeng, Ji Anning chose to ignore Jiaqi, walked past her and went downstairs.

Jiaqi followed her around, stood on the steps, looked down at Ji Anning who was downstairs, and declared sovereignty to her, "I am Jing Feng's real girlfriend now. I don't want to see you in this house."

Sister Wu couldn't listen anymore, she looked at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning looked indifferent, still too lazy to bother.

"Why are you so shameless? Jing Feng doesn't want you anymore, you are still here."

The more Ji Anning ignored, Jia Qi's atmosphere became more and more uglier.

Sure enough, things are gathered by kind and people are divided by groups.

How could someone like Ji Jingfeng find a girlfriend with high EQ and IQ?

Ji Anning sneered in her heart, stopped, turned to look at Jiaqi who was domineering, sneered, "Are you married to Ji Jingfeng? Even if you marry Ji Jingfeng, there is still my uncle in this family, and there are so many things to do. Who is the Lord, is it your turn to be here BB?"

After speaking, she turned around and walked downstairs.

Jiaqi also used the tone of the hostess of the house, asking why she still lives in Ji's house, and even drove her away.

It is simply the second generation of Ginkgo, but it seems to lack a little IQ than Ginkgo.

Today, Ji Mingyue and Lin Yanqin are not at home, only Jiaqi. Ji Anning came out of the dining room after dinner and saw Jiaqi sitting on the sofa watching TV.

I didn't want to get along with her, but they couldn't stay in the room all the time. Ji Anning went upstairs to change clothes and went out one after another.


In the meeting room on the top floor of J.C., the atmosphere was heavy and depressing.