So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 787: Furious as a beauty (2)

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded in response, holding a fork and eating noodles gracefully.

Ji Anning raised his head again and opened his mouth, "Ah... feed me."

Ji Chicheng ignored her and ate on her own. She pursed her lips and stretched her head towards him again, "Feed me a bite."

Ji Chicheng still ignored her, but turned sideways and blocked her with his shoulders to prevent her from making trouble.

"It's boring."

Ji Anning curled his mouth, picked up his fork, raised a large pile of noodles, opened his mouth and ate it, his mouth was full.

But she was still angry that Ji Chicheng didn't feed her, why this man didn't know anything about style?

Although she used to think that those couples who were feeding each other were disgusting and numbing, but now she also yearns for that numbing plot.

"Ahhhhhh... it's really boring to fall in love with a guy who likes to pretend~"

Ji Anning used a fork to vent his dissatisfaction.

The man remained indifferent.

So Ji Anning talked about the whole meal, but when she returned to the room, she regretted it.

The uncle, who has always liked to practice by himself, told Ji Anning with his body how interesting and interesting it is to fall in love with Gao Lengnan.

The next day, Ji Anning slept until the afternoon, but still couldn't keep up his energy. The whole person looked like a wandering soul, his legs were in a state of soreness and weakness, and there was no strength.

After washing, her spirit improved a little bit, not knowing where she went, she changed into conservative clothes and left the room.

The servant who came upstairs to clean up greeted her, "Miss Anning."


Ji Anning yawned, habitually said early, and walked past the servant.

When she reached the top of the stairs, she was about to turn down the stairs, and the little figures came up from downstairs. Holding the stair railing with one hand, she looked back and laughed as she climbed the stairs.

The climbing speed is extremely fast.

Because someone was chasing her behind, it was Ji Jingfeng's girlfriend Jiaqi.

She was only three years old, and she had only one eye to see, her eyesight was impaired, and she was running fast and stumbled. Ji Anning looked at her panicked, and hurried to meet her.

Hearing Ji Anning’s voice, one after another seemed to have found a savior. She simply lay on the stairs with both hands and climbed up. She held Ji Anning’s leg in a hand, "Mommy, help me, quickly help me."

It was obvious that she was playing games with Jiaqi, and she was in a state of excitement.

"I caught you."

Jiaqi chased after her, tilting her head to look at the people hiding behind Ji Anning.

She is wearing a black loose-fitting sweater today with heavy makeup and her hair tied up. It is completely different from yesterday's style. It seems to be several years younger today.

Hearing Jiaqi said that she had been caught, they hurriedly forgot to hide behind Ji Anning, "Mommy, save me, don't let my sister."

"Little guy, you're shit."

Jiaqi stretched out her hand to catch them, and her body flashed, and she escaped in a thrilling manner.

Jiaqi grabbed from the other side again, and now she moved quite quickly, grabbing her arms.

Ji Anning just lowered her head, and saw Jiaqi grasping the hands of her arms, her muscles and veins were bulging, showing how hard she was, she probably felt pain and struggling hard.

But she still had the mentality of playing games, so she was still giggling.

Ji Anning was naturally uncomfortable in her heart. She frowned, and whispered at them softly: "One after another, stop making trouble, be careful of falling."