So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 783: She is your little aunt (3)

"You come."

Ji Chicheng said, grabbing Ji Anning's hand and placing it on his waist.

Ji Anning's hands trembled, and she didn't want to listen to the man's orders, but her heart was bewitched.

She took off her clothes one by one, naked in front of the man's eyes, and the man put his arms around her waist, rubbing her delicate palms over that piece.

With an electric current, Ji Anning's body was about to collapse frequently, so the stimulus almost couldn't stand it, and she screamed.

She bit her lip and tried her best to endure it. Ji Chicheng frowned slightly, obviously dissatisfied with Ji Anning's forbearance, and slowly swam to her chest with her big hand, fingertips.

Ji Anning shuddered, and finally couldn't bite his clenched teeth, and began to tremble, "Woo...Uncle uncomfortable."

She leaned over, hugged the man below her, her trembling lips pressed against his soft lips, and on his lips, the little bird pecked like food.

The first time she took the initiative, she was still very strange, holding the man's face in one hand, and shaking with her body.

"Uncle." Ji Anning looked at the man below him with blurred eyes, and the corners of his mouth cocked, "You look so beautiful."

Ji Chicheng looked at her tenderly, "So you... do you like it?"

"I like it." Ji Anning smiled and nodded, then opened his mouth and bit Ji Chicheng's lips.

I wish I could swallow him.

Ji Anning's current level of initiative has surpassed Ji Chicheng's expectations, and he praised it in his heart, it was great.

Grasping her crotch with both hands, supporting her hard, and then slowly... slowly putting her down.

Ji Anning frowned, clutching the sheets with both hands. The feeling at this moment was unspeakable. She bit her lip, hoping to pass quickly, and look forward to coming soon.

A pair of bright apricot eyes were covered with a layer of mist, shining with water.

Clear and pure.

Her skin was as white as jade, and her body still had the traces he had left over the past few days, and she was fruitful.

When Ji Chicheng watched, he only felt pleasing to the eye, full of achievements in his heart.

Yi Wang Chunshui was so upset by them. In this room, she has lived for more than ten years and dare not let her privacy or speak loudly.

Afterwards, Ji Anning regretted it.

I regret that I made a promise easily, and talked about how to toss Ren Ji Chicheng back home.

But how could she have expected that a man who was so indifferent to desire would be so strong and domineering in bed. They had been together before, but they weren't so perverted.

Ji Anning came out of the bathroom with objects that did not belong to her.

It's not an exaggeration at all. She has been walking on the wall until now.

Looking at the well-dressed man, she pouted bitterly, "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

"Go downstairs and take you to find something delicious."

Ji Chicheng opened the door of Ji Anning's wardrobe, picked up home clothes for a day, walked up to her, and reached out...

"What are you doing?" Ji Anning hugged his chest and stepped back vigilantly, "I will do it myself."

She was only wrapped in a bath towel right now, and as soon as the bath towel was torn off, she was naked. God knows if he will be interested again after seeing her naked.

Then she reached out and snatched the clothes in Ji Chicheng's hand, turned around and went into the bathroom again.


At this time, everyone had eaten their desserts, and there was no one in the living room. Ji Chicheng led Ji Anning downstairs and went straight into the kitchen.

(Both meat and dog food have been sent, do you think that the sweetness is getting crooked recently? Are you looking forward to the storm? Yes or no, please click to read the next chapter, vote for the monthly vote, and send it to brother Chinese Tanabata dog food... I’m tired today, good night~~~)