So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 782: She is your little aunt (2)

But then, he added, "Then you move."

He is always as light as water, and everything seems to be a natural law to do. Even in bed, he can do half of it, and he calmly answers a phone call, or reaches out to take a sip of water on the bedside table and then continues. Still able to maintain so... so passionate interest.

Ji Anning has a headache, how could there be such a person?

The arrogant and arrogant seemed to rule the earth, and everything could not be seen by him.

I really don’t know who his personality is like, and his grandfather is not like him. Could it be that he followed his mother? That woman named A Cai?

Ji Anning thought about it, stared at Ji Chicheng for a while, and then thought about it and asked him, "Uncle, is your mother proud?"

Every time Charl mentioned his mother in front of him, his face changed.

And when she picked it up, Lin Yanqin mentioned it several times when he was a child, and he looked like he wanted to kill Lin Yanqin, so in his heart, his mother should be a taboo.

He was not sure if she mentioned it now, he would turn his face.

But she felt that she should try to lead him to face it with a normal heart, not to ask him to forgive his mother, but to let him feel relieved.

Only when the heart is relieved can he be truly happy. One incident has held him down for more than ten or twenty years. She knows that it is difficult to let go.

Just like Jin Yuanyuan, they are the same.

Ji Chicheng's face suddenly became cold, Ji Anning closed his mouth tightly in fright, and didn't have the courage to watch his eyes gradually cool.

Her eyelashes fluttered a few times, and then she lowered her eyes.

Ji Chicheng's voice suddenly rang in her ears, "You mentioned another woman at this time."

He could hear that he said this sentence through gritted teeth.

You mentioned another woman at this time...

So is he angry or not?

It seems to be angry, but it doesn't seem to be angry. To be precise, it is angry, but not because she touched the taboo in his heart, but because she was...

Ji Anning speculated about what Ji Chicheng meant, but Ji Chicheng suddenly turned over and pressed on her.

He lowered his head and kissed her lips, blocking her mouth.

When Ji Anning resisted, he continued to kiss, while kissing, touching her body, going up and down, without giving her a chance to breathe.

Knowing that her body was getting softer and softer and obeying him, his lips withdrew.

Ji Chicheng lowered his head, twisted his eyebrows, and looked at the little woman who was breathing under him. The corner of his mouth bloomed with pride, which was the pride of the conqueror.

"Uncle don't want to, they will knock on the door in a while." Ji Anning has scruples.

She stretched out her hand to push Ji Chicheng, her body was almost exhausted by him.

Ji Chicheng hugged her tightly, didn't let go, and said calmly: "I believe Sister Wu will not let me down."

Ji Anning: "..."

She was speechless.

At this moment, Ji Anning realized that she had been eaten to death by him, and she felt that she would be eaten to death by him all her life.

Because this man is really terrible, invulnerable at all, and she is like a piece of white paper in front of him, and he always catches it with his hands.


Ji Chicheng suddenly turned over with Ji Anning, letting Ji Anning lie on his body.

Ji Anning looked at Ji Chicheng blankly, not knowing what he was going to do.