So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 784: She is your little aunt (4)

Ji Anning puzzled, "Uncle, why are you taking me to the restaurant?"

Didn’t you say you’re looking for food? Didn't it take her out to eat?

Ji Chicheng didn't speak, walked to the table, pulled a chair away, and pressed Ji Anning to sit down.

"Sit down."

Greeting Ji Anning, he turned and went into the kitchen.

Ji Anning was curious, got up and followed, only to see Ji Chicheng take off an apron from behind the door, put it on his body skillfully, then opened the refrigerator door and flipped around inside.

I found some vegetable ingredients.

It turned out to be cooking for her himself, Ji Anning raised his mouth, a hint of sweetness rose in his heart.

He let her sit, then she just sit there and wait.

Ji Anning returned to her seat and sat down. There were several stabs of cooking in the kitchen, but Ji Chicheng did not come out.

How many dishes did they make for dinner?

She craned her neck and looked into the dining room. The door was open. She couldn't see the man at all.

After waiting for a while, she lacked patience and was just about to get up and go into the kitchen. The kitchen door opened and Ji Chicheng came out with two plates.

He was wearing an apron, and he looked like a man at home.

"What's so delicious?" Ji Anning couldn't wait, got up to meet him, took a look, she was surprised, "Spaghetti."

She was surprised not that Ji Chicheng could make spaghetti, but that he made spaghetti so beautiful, with so many small embellishments that she couldn't bear to eat it in her hands.

Ji Chicheng walked to the dining table and put the noodles down, ignoring Ji Anning, who followed him, and turned back into the kitchen.

Ji Anning followed him to the door of the kitchen and waited for him to bring out two more plates. One plate was crispy shrimp and the other contained two borscht.

She looked at the man with a cold face with a thousand-year-old sign in astonishment. She was surprised, "Uncle, you did this all?"

Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows and looked at her, "Did you do it?"

"It looks delicious." Ji Anning rubbed his hands and looked at Ji Chicheng with admiration, "Uncle, you are so good, you can cook so well."

Ji Chicheng stopped and looked at Ji Anning without sympathy, "Actually I am better at making love."

Ji Anning: "..."

An illusion, it must be an illusion, and the uncle whose mouth is the yellow paragraph in front of him must not be the real uncle.

It wasn't the cold uncle she knew who couldn't help kicking the oil bottle.

"Not enough to eat?"

Ji Anning was stunned. Ji Chicheng had already walked to the dining table and put down the two plates in his hands. He turned around and urged Ji Anning to give a voice, then took off his apron and opened the chair to sit down.


Ji Anning reacted and curled his lips. When Ji Chicheng turned his head and didn't look at her, he contemptuously stuck out his tongue at the back of his head.

Then he raised his foot and walked up to him and sat down.

"Small..." Ji Chicheng opened her mouth. Before he uttered a word of'uncle', Ji Chicheng suddenly picked up a shrimp and brought it to her mouth. She instinctively opened her mouth and bit it.

Happiness came so quickly, and she started to be a little ethereal.

At this moment, someone suddenly came.

"Yo, what are my uncle and my sister-in-law doing?"

With a strange tone of yin and yang, and her petite and delicate face, there was a yin-yin smile like hers.