So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 781: She is your little aunt (1)

"Wu...Wu's wife."

Ji Anning wanted to find a seam to drill in.

Aunt Wu looked innocent, "I knocked on the door, and they opened the door for me one after another."

One after another stood beside her old man.

With that, she simply raised her foot and walked into the room, but she had hit it anyway.

When she walked to Ji Anning’s computer desk, she put down the tray containing the food, and then turned to look at Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng and said: "Little master, Miss Anning, the food is here for you, so I will take it downstairs. Let's go eat."

Ji Anning was so embarrassed that she was embarrassed to look at the back of the old woman Wu.

No face to look at.

It's really shameless to see that, at Ji's house, he was hit by the old servant... Such a shameful picture.

Ji Anning opened her eyes and looked at the man pressing on her. Without changing her face, she was annoyed: "Ji Chicheng, what are you doing while pressing me?"

Speaking, she pressed her hands against his chest, pushed him away with great effort, then rolled over quickly and got up with a grunt.

Ji Chicheng didn't rush to sit up, sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Ji Anning's face, still showing no expression on his face.

But Ji Anning could feel his eyes burning, staring at her hot cheeks, she pouted, "You hate it, hooligan!"

She cursed hypocritically, then she turned around and walked to the computer desk.

Looking at the food brought by Sister Wu, she frowned, "Is this the prison meal for us?"

She turned her head to look at Ji Chicheng, with a dumbfounded look.

There are only three dishes, very light and light, one stir-fried greens, another shredded pork with pickles, and probably a tomato-egg soup with less than an egg.

Ji Chicheng jumped up, and while arranging his clothes, he walked towards Ji Anning and walked in front of her. He glanced at the food sent by Sister Wu.

Then he nodded calmly, "Well, this is Ji Mingyue."

Ji Anning: "..."

Yes, this is indeed Ji Mingyue, but not Ji Chicheng at all.

She pouted, pretending to be dissatisfied with the food, and acted like a baby with Ji Chicheng, "Will you let me eat this when you come back the first day?"

"Isn't it enough to eat me?"

Ji Chicheng frowned, flirting is serious.

"You hate it." Ji Anning stretched out his hand and patted Xia Ji Chicheng on the chest shamelessly.

Ji Chicheng hugged her waist tightly with both hands, making her body stick to him, looking down at her and saying, "This is the third time you say I hate it."

As he said, he bent over and directly hugged Ji Anning.

Turned and walked to the bed with two steps, threw her onto the bed, then he turned and walked to the door, locked the door, and turned back.

He quickly took off his shirt and returned to the bed shirtlessly. He lowered his head and gave Ji Anning a faint look. Then he bent down, sat down on the edge of the bed, supported the mattress with one hand, and slowly tilted his body.

Lying half beside Ji Anning, looking at her faintly.

His sturdy chest was almost close to Ji Anning, and a series of scars of different depths were clearly displayed in her sight.

She raised her hand and stretched it to the deepest and most shocking one. With her slender fingers, the tips of her fingers swiped lightly on it, shaking distressedly. She raised her head to meet the man's deep gaze, blushing: "Uncle, your wound is still not healed, don't move it."

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded very well, making Ji Anning believe it was true, believing that he really promised her to cherish his body.