So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 772: Who is the master of Ji's house? (two)

"Come and sit down."

Ji Chicheng stood on the sofa. Ji Anning took two benches, placed them by the window, and sat down with Jin Yuanyuan.

Anyway, the farther away from Ji Chicheng, the better.

After sitting down, Ji Anning focused all of her attention on Jin Yuanyuan, and looked at her thin face. Without the whiteness of the past, she has become wheatish. She couldn't help but feel distressed, "You have lost so much this year. Have a hard time."

Jin Yuanyuan smiled, "Being thin has always been my goal."

As she said, she pursed the corners of her mouth, bowed her head and took a sip of water.

Although she tried to hide, she could see a bit of hardship and vicissitudes more or less in her smile. Ji Anning reached out and grabbed her hand and said earnestly: "Yuanyuan, if it's hard, change your life. Fa, why bother with yourself."

Going to the countryside to support education is worth promoting, but it is not the same as going with a sense of guilt.

"Give me chicken soup as soon as I meet. Have you raised chickens for the past two years?" Jin Yuanyuan raised her eyelids and gave Ji Anning amusedly. She took out her hand and held the water cup in both hands, and looked at Ji again. Anning, she still looked at her with that distressed look.

She frowned, "I'm really doing a good and fulfilling life now. I'm very used to living like this."

Her attitude was very firm, for a while, as if it would really not change the status quo, Ji Anning stopped short and did not continue.

"Unexpectedly you are now a teacher, are the children still obedient?"

Jin Yuanyuan nodded, "Well, they are all sensible children."

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Zhen Cheng who was lying on the bed and playing with blocks, her eyes showed distress.

Ji Anning’s gaze followed Jin Yuanyuan and looked at Zhen Cheng. The child’s face always had a cheerful smile, probably because his eyesight was weak at this time. When he was looking for the shape he was looking for in the pile of building blocks, Always touch it first.

After watching for a while, she asked Jin Yuanyuan, "Where are the parents of this child?"

"Hey." Jin Yuanyuan sighed, "He is an orphan. He is the only orphan among the left-behind children. Although those children cannot see their parents all year round, they are raised by their parents."


Ji Anning was surprised, "Then... Then you are in charge of his life now?"

If so, she is a single girl, only 22 years old. Have you thought about the future?

"I am teaching now, and I don't have any salary, so I can't manage him."

Jin Yuanyuan shook her head mockingly, and then said with a smile: "But there was a donation from a good-hearted person from abroad who paid for Zhen Cheng's tuition and all living expenses, and Zhen Cheng's medical expenses for the eyes were all paid by him. "

"A good-hearted person from abroad?" Ji Anning casually curious.

I didn't really want to ask who that kind person is.

Jin Yuanyuan expressed her feelings, "Yes, if it weren't for that kind person's help, Zhen Cheng and I would have a hard time now."

When mentioning that kind person, Jin Yuanyuan's words and eyes were full of gratitude.

Successfully attracted Ji Anning’s attention to that kind person, a kind person from a foreign country...

Ji Anning thought carefully, and involuntarily thought of Yao Yiyang in her mind. She looked at Jin Yuanyuan again and asked tentatively: "Have you seen that kind person?"

If you have seen it, it is definitely not.

"No." Jin Yuanyuan shook her head and talked about that kind person, she didn't dislike it either.