So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 771: Who is the master of Ji's house? (One)

"It's okay, I'll pour water." Ji Chicheng smiled faintly and turned around gracefully.

Leave Ji Anning with a light perfume smell on his body.

Ji Anning's incredible gaze followed Ji Chicheng.

When she heard his saying, "It's okay, I'll pour the water," she didn't feel flattered, but she was creepy.

The man walked to the drinking fountain gracefully, straight trousers, hand-made shirts made of top fabrics, all over his body, all showing his nobleness and high style.

Even condescending to pour water for her guests, Ji Anning reacted and hurried to catch up, "Uncle, I will come by myself, let you pour us water, isn't it a loss of my life."

She smiled and whispered to Ji Chicheng's dog-legs.

Ji Chicheng gritted his teeth and stared at her sharply, "No, I want to buckle your waist."

Ji Anning then opened the water valve of the drinking fountain, put the disposable cup under the water valve to catch the water, and his expression returned to a high level of indifference.

After pouring the water, he turned around with the water glass, walked towards Jin Yuanyuan, and handed it to her with one hand.

Jin Yuanyuan felt more gloomy than Ji Anning. He tried to lift it several times with both hands, then lifted it up, took the water glass in Ji Chicheng's hand, and flattered him, bending over to thank him, "Thank you, Teacher Ji."

Ji Chicheng glanced at Jin Yuanyuan, did not speak, put his hands in his pockets, raised his feet, and walked leisurely toward the sofa.

This is a super ward. The room is very light. The sofa is still some distance away from the bed. When Ji Chicheng walks to the sofa and sits down, Jin Yuanyuan brings a cup of water to Ji Anning, "Can I drink this water?"

At this time Jin Yuanyuan, Ji Anning finally found the feeling of the former Jin Yuanyuan, a pair of big eyes sparkling, silly and stupid.

She rolled her eyes angrily, "Yes, it's not poisonous."

The important thing is not whether the tea can be drunk, but she offended certain uncle, who promised to break her waist. When he was in L city a few days ago, he wanted to be dissatisfied.

She promised him that after he recovers from the injury, she will let him toss after returning home. He won't be here tonight...

Ji Anning was worried about how he would survive tonight, when Jin Yuanyuan suddenly moved closer to her ear, "One after another...Whose child are they?"

After asking, she took a sip of water and looked at Ji Anning with some gossip.

Ji Anning was speechless, "..."

It's all like this, hasn't she seen it yet?

However, she is a person who can ask with her mouth and will definitely not think with her brain. It is not surprising that she can't see it. After all, she is now believed to be Qi Helian's children.

Ji Anning thought, just about to answer Jin Yuanyuan, and glanced at the man on the sofa inadvertently. His gaze was also looking at them, as if he heard Jin Yuanyuan's question.


Ji Anning didn't know how his brain was hot for a while, and these three words came out casually.

Without waiting for Ji Chicheng's reaction to her, she is now reflecting in her heart, is she a little bit pampered and arrogant?

The courage is getting bigger and bigger.


Jin Yuanyuan caught the eye interaction between Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng, she was not stupid, she immediately understood.

She curled her lips and nodded, "No wonder."

No wonder she was so cautious before that she didn't tell her who she liked, and didn't tell her who the child she was pregnant with.

It turned out that the rabbit ate the grass at the edge of the nest, or it was a taboo grass.