So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 773: Who is the master of Ji's house? (three)

Instead, I am very interested in talking, "We have always contacted by email, and we accidentally met on a forum on the Internet. That person is very caring and helped build the school. , I will buy snacks for the children or send some clothes during the holidays."

"Oh." Ji Anning looked at Jin Yuanyuan, and after hearing what she said, she felt that that person was Yao Yiyang more and more.

Through a brief chat with Yao Yiyang that day, she knew that Yao Yiyang had been paying attention to Jin Yuanyuan’s life in the past two years. He seems to be developing very well now. Since she is so concerned about Yuanyuan, it is impossible to see her situation. Helpful.

"By the way, were you in country Y before? Sun was also in country Y."

Ji Anning was thinking, and Jin Yuanyuan said suddenly.


Country Y? Sun? sun?

Ji Anning smiled clearly. They were all in country Y, Yang, so Yao Yiyang must be right.

She really can't understand, what is Yao Yiyang going to do? Want to be an uncle with long legs?

However, she can't talk about other people's matters, other people's feelings, and other people's thoughts. Since Yao Yiyang wants to keep in touch with Yuanyuan as a stranger, she doesn't need to break other people's methods.

After thinking about it, she changed the topic, "Are the conditions in the place where you are difficult?"

Jin Yuanyuan shook her head, "Not particularly hard, but poor and underdeveloped."

She looked at Ji Anning, who was listening carefully, and then asked her, "Coastal counties are still going inside. There is no traffic there. There have been several tsunami incidents, do you know?"

Ji Anning nodded, "There, I seem to know a little bit."

The gap between the rich and the poor in the sea is actually quite large. The main reason is that the transportation in those places cannot be built, so the development cannot be achieved.

The two hadn't seen each other for several years, and at first they were a little strange to each other. After chatting, they got to know each other again, no less than before.

They talked for more than an hour, and Ji Anning had been on the plane for more than ten hours. On the plane, he was worried, so he didn't sleep much, and now he yawned.

Jin Yuanyuan saw her sleepy, so she left with sincerity.

"Uncle, I'll go to bed first."

Sending Jin Yuanyuan and the others out of the ward, Ji Anning went into the bathroom and took a brief wash, then came out to look at Ji Chicheng. He was still holding the computer, looking very busy.

Saying hello to him, she walked to the bed and lay down, got into the quilt, closed her eyes, and ignored the people who were still playing with building blocks. Anyway, she thought that the child's father could not ignore the child.

Ji Anning slept soundly and soundly, but the man's warm and wet lips rubbed lightly on her neck, making her sleepless.

But she was really sleepy again. She pouted, stretched out her hand and pushed, "Don't move, I'm so sleepy."

Pushing the man away a bit, she turned over and turned her back to him.

However, the man hugged her from behind, touched her chest with a big hand, and took a punitive hand.

"Uh..." Ji Anning screamed in pain, then turned around, nestled in the man's arms, acting like a baby, and begging for mercy, "Uncle, I'm sleepy, don't want it, okay another day."

"You can keep your eyes closed."

The man's low and hoarse voice seemed to have penetrating power, as if his lips were pressed against her heart, and her heart was slapped and numb.

She couldn't help but frowned, opened one eye in dissatisfaction, and pouted against the man's dark eyes.