So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 768: Uncle's belt is so mighty (3)

Seeing the woman's face, she stared in surprise.

The familiar face evoked her few but deep memories, flashing in her mind, like an old movie, she opened her mouth, just about to call out the familiar name, Zhen Cheng beside her suddenly jumped off the chair.

"Mr. Jin."

When Zhen Cheng shouted, Ji Anning reacted, stood up and looked at the familiar girl, with a smile on her face, "Yuanyuan."

This friend obviously didn't get along for a long time, but the reunion after a long absence was beyond her expectation of excitement and joy.

If Ji Anning hadn't taken the initiative to say hello, Jin Yuanyuan might have chosen to smile slightly, because she felt that the gap between them was getting bigger and bigger now.

Ji Anning is a big star who often makes headlines and is on the cover of world magazines.

And she is now a village teacher who doesn't even have a meager salary. The transformation and tempering in the past few years has reduced her publicity and activity.

Older and heavier.

She looked at Ji Anning with a smile on her lips, "Anning."

The tone is not as strange as she imagined.

"It's been a long time, why are you here?" Ji Anning still felt surprised, she took the initiative to meet her, looked down at Zhen Cheng who was holding Jin Yuanyuan in one hand, and asked suspiciously: "This is?"

"My student." Jin Yuanyuan lowered her head, reached out her hand to touch Zhen Cheng's head, and then said to Ji Anning: "His eyes will undergo a minor operation in a while, and I will take him for a pre-surgery examination. ."

"Oh." Ji Anning nodded clearly.

She remembered that Zhen Cheng said just now that his teacher had gone to buy him fruit.

It's just that she didn't expect that his teacher turned out to be Jin Yuanyuan, which is really a coincidence.

Then one after another came over, "Mummy."

The little girl called to Ji Anning, raised a small hand to hold Ji Anning, and looked up at Jin Yuanyuan curiously.

Jin Yuanyuan stared at them, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, "This is?"

"This is my daughter." Ji Anning replied to Jin Yuanyuan, then slightly bent over, and put one finger at Jin Yuanyuan's ear, and said to her: "This is Mommy's friend. , Call Auntie quickly."


One after another obediently shouted Jin Yuanyuan.

Jin Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Your daughter is so old."

She looked at them, the little fleshy faces, very cute, like Ji Anning, she said again: "I saw it on the news before, I thought it was fake."

Her words didn't mean anything else, it was just a sentence of emotion, and Ji Anning was also quite moved, "It's true, she is almost three years old this year."

"Why are you here?" Jin Yuanyuan remembered that this is a hospital, and asked Ji Anning curiously.

"Several eyes..." Ji Anning was considering and telling Jin Yuanyuan that she lost one eye.

Suddenly they robbed her of her voice, "Auntie, I can't see with this eye."

Her little finger pointed her right eye and told Jin Yuanyuan.

A crisp voice, no inferiority or sadness in his bright and clear eyes.

Don't take physical defects seriously.

Ji Anning was distressed, grabbing the little girl and holding her hand, receiving Jin Yuanyuan's surprised gaze, she pressed the corner of her mouth tightly, telling her that what she said was the truth.

Jin Yuanyuan was still very surprised, very incomprehensible, and even...unacceptable, she looked down at the big shiny eyes.