So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 769: Uncle's belt is so mighty (4)

I don't understand, how can a pair of beautiful eyes have defects.

The little girl smiled and blinked at her. She bent her lips, stretched out her hand heartily, and touched her little face, "You are so cute."

The little princess who was praised was very proud and sold some cuteness to Jin Yuanyuan as if offering a treasure.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhen Cheng suddenly coughed.

Jin Yuanyuan hurriedly said to Ji Anning: "It's windy here, and this child has a dry cough when he gets angry. I will take her back to the ward first."

"Okay." Ji Anning nodded, "I'm in the 1614 ward, you can find me when you have time."

Jin Yuanyuan nodded her head and said, "Yes", then smiled and waved to one after another.

They were very friendly to everyone who praised her, and she enthusiastically raised her hand and swayed vigorously, "Goodbye aunt."

Jin Yuanyuan led Zhen Cheng away, and she walked farther and farther, her figure looked extremely thin in the dusk.

Yao Yiyang said Yuanyuan is doing pretty well now.

In her opinion, Yuanyuan did not have a good life, she could only be regarded as having a fulfilled life.

But she still can't let go, otherwise, how could she be so thin?

People with cheerful personality tend to be the most affectionate, which is really true.

"What are you thinking?"

Ji Anning was staring at the direction Jin Yuanyuan had left. Ji Chicheng didn't know where he came back from. He asked Ji Anning, then put away the phone in his hand, bending over to pick him up.

Ji Anning returned to his senses, turned to look at Ji Chicheng's handsome face full of my coldness, and asked curiously, "Uncle, why did you like every comment that cursed Yuanyuan?"

"Is there?" Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows, "Am I so bored?"

As he said that, he gave Ji Anning a boring eye, turned around, and walked back in a hug.

Ji Anning followed, took his arm and stared at his face and said, "You see, you have a guilty conscience, obviously."

"You are amazing, you can see it in my heart." Ji Chicheng rolled his eyes at Ji Anning again, as if to say: You are really boring.

But Ji Anning felt that Yao Yiyang should not lie to her, and Yao Yiyang was not so boring.

So this guy must be lying and not admitting it.

But she was really curious, why did he go to praise and scold Jin Yuanyuan's comment, "You tell me, why did you do that, Yao Yiyang can't lie to me."

Ji Anning held Ji Chicheng's arm and asked all the way, but Ji Chicheng just ignored her.

"It is estimated that you made all the horrible posts in the school. You pretend to be in the cold world every day, acting as a beautiful man who can’t eat the fireworks. In fact, your heart is very empty and boring, so you always look for sustenance on the Internet. ."

After returning to the ward, Ji Chicheng didn't speak up, keeping his high coldness, and Ji Anning began to arouse him with defaming him.

Ji Chicheng glanced at her expressionlessly, and the signal to her was still saying: You are really boring.

Ji Anning scorned fiercely, "The girls who once admired you and admired you in T Dali must have never thought that you are such a teacher Ji."

I was very calm when encountering things before, and when I met him, I was not calm, and I was curious about everything about him.

Especially when he gave him a thumbs-up on the Internet, this kind of behavior happened to him, isn't it?

"Yes." Ji Chicheng walked to the bed, put them down one after another, and then turned to face Ji Anning.