So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 767: Uncle's belt is so mighty (2)

One hand is dark, not like black from birth, but dirty. If you wash your hands diligently for a long time, they should be whiter.

A pair of white sneakers on my feet, the leather on the side has been worn out.

This little guy should not have a good family background.

Ji Anning was staring at the little boy's shoes and guessing. The little boy suddenly looked up at her. Although only a four or five-year-old child, he seemed to be embarrassed and put his feet under the chair.

Ji Anning hurriedly retracted his gaze in embarrassment, leaned close to the ears, and said to her with a smile: "Fan, don't you ask what your brother's name is?"

After she reminded them, they raised their heads and asked the little boys, "Brother's name?"

"My name is Zhen Cheng and I am five and a half years old this year." The little boy introduced himself in a crisp voice.


Ji Anning was wondering if it was the word ‘sincere’. The little boy suddenly added, “It’s Zhen from the popular TV series Zhen Huan.”

The little guy stared with clear and bright eyes, innocent.

Ji Anning laughed and couldn't help but stretched out his hand, pettingly touched the head of the little boy named Zhen Cheng, "In the future, you can introduce Zhen Milk to others."

Zhen Cheng, this name is really interesting.

Zhen Cheng took out a stack of small playing cards from his pocket, on which were printed characters from the latest cartoons.

They didn't, he taught them patiently.

The two children gradually played harmoniously, but Ji Anning observed it, and Zhen Cheng was giving in, saying what they said, pouting if they didn't agree.

Although she felt that it was not good to be so domineering and arrogant, she was not to blame, because Char had already developed a domineering and strong character when she was two years old. She didn't realize it at that time. When she realized, This character has basically been developed.

She thinks it is better for girls to be more docile, thinking that she will be disciplined slowly in the future, but now Ji Chicheng is the same as Char, except for the stars and the moon that cannot be picked from the sky, otherwise he will give her everything.

And basically they have never played with children alone like this, all in their own kingdom, and she is the queen, the princess.

So she is going with her now, as long as she guides her to be kind, after all, there is only one of them.

Only one after another...

Suddenly thinking of this question, Ji Anning's heart couldn't help but feel melancholy. She looked at her with beautiful little faces, which completely inherited the advantages of her and Ji Chicheng.

Relatively speaking, there are more people like her, but the personality is very similar to Ji Chicheng.

He has such a good gene, just a child, really can't help him.

"Zhen Cheng."

Suddenly, someone was calling Zhen Cheng, the voice of a woman.

Ji Anning heard it, and instinctively looked in the direction of the sound, a woman wearing a dark green down jacket, with short bob hair, very soft, and the sunset glow sprinkled on it, as if coated with a layer of golden light.

She carried a red plastic bag with fruit in her hand. She looked around and shouted while looking.

Ji Anning hadn't seen her face yet, only saw one sideways, and felt a little familiar, and her voice...

"Zhen Cheng."

Ji Anning felt that the voice of the woman who called Zhen Cheng was a bit familiar, and the woman suddenly yelled again and turned to look in their direction.