So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 757: Do that kind of thing, remember to close the door (5)

"Ji Anning, you are dead." Ji Chicheng gritted his teeth and rushed over.

Ji Anning hurriedly fled, but fled to the door, and in the end it was unavoidable to be caught. Ji Chicheng slammed her against the door, caught her with two hands with one hand, and raised her above her head. The hand picked her chin, forcing her to look at him.

Seeing her staring innocently, his lips curled evilly, "My dear niece, my uncle will let you taste the sweetness of this cake."

As he said, he leaned over and lowered his head, covering Ji Anning's lips with creamy lips.

Immediately afterwards, the tongue pried open her teeth and sent the cake cream to her mouth, forcing her to eat it.

This...this is simply too ambiguous, Ji Anning was overwhelmed by Ji Chicheng's tongue and hook, and was a little lost.

This is already the third time, the third kiss after he woke up, so she can't guarantee that she can hold it.

There was another **** smell in the cream, reminding Ji Anning that he was still injured.

She took advantage of Ji Chicheng's lips to withdraw, and when she breathed, she worriedly reminded him, "Uncle, your injury."

Ji Chicheng's hoarse voice replied: "First treat internal injuries."

Ji Anning was wondering what Ji Chicheng's words meant. Ji Chicheng suddenly let go of one of her hands, holding her only one hand, pulling it down, and placing it directly somewhere beside him.

The extremely hard touch made her heart beat wildly, her cheeks flushed, as if she was about to bleed.

She could feel how longing and uncomfortable he was at this time, she held it with trembling hands, did not dare to look up or look at him.

"Want to either?"

The man's low and hoarse voice came from Ji Anning's top again, and the hot breath sprayed on her face, as if to ignite her body, she raised her small face slightly, her bright eyes shining with water.

Pure and beautiful.

Ji Chicheng couldn't help it again. He opened his mouth and bit her red lips. He used his teeth to play provocatively, "Peace, hold me tight."

His voice seemed to be bewitching, bewitching Ji Anning to stretch out his other hand and encircle his strong waist.

"Your wound is bleeding again. If are really uncomfortable." She was still worried about his injury and stammered, "I...I...I help you with...hands."

After speaking, she wished to find a place to sew in, and she was ashamed.

Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand and raised Ji Anning's chin, frowning slightly, "Look at me, don't you want to?"

"I...I don't want to." Ji Anning replied quickly, and she lowered her head again, her gaze inadvertently swept to her hand holding Ji Chicheng.

Ah... It's horrible.

Is she going to go to bed with her uncle?

It's entangled, whether or not to go, and he is also injured. If he fainted in bed and was spread out, would the news headline be like this?

‘My uncle and nephew are embarrassed, excessive indulgence and uncle’s coma. ’

Don't don't, they have to keep a low profile and be cautious, and he can't stop firing the arrow now, so it can only do so.

Ji Anning struggled with her heart, and then she reached out and took the initiative to hook Ji Chicheng's neck, tiptoe to his lips, and kiss him fiercely.


Ji Anning has been taking care of Ji Anning in front of Ji Chicheng’s bed these days. She didn't sleep much, and was tired. She lay on the bed and slept until dinner time.

When she opened her eyes, Ji Chicheng had already applauded that food was waiting for her.