So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 756: Do that kind of thing, remember to close the door (four)

"It's delicious." She couldn't wait to scrape a bit of cream on the side with her index finger, and tasted it. It tasted great. She put her index finger in her mouth and nodded to Ji Chicheng while licking Fingers raised his head and looked at Ji Chicheng, "The peach tastes great, what do you like, uncle?"

Watching Ji Anning perform hard, Ji Chicheng's mouth filled with gentle pampering, his feet stepped back, and he leaned lazily on the windowsill.

Then he said lightly, "I like you."

It's really just a gentle sentence, not deliberately affectionate.

Ji Anning was taken aback, raised his head and looked over with gleaming eyes. The man turned against the light, his handsome face, his facial features were more three-dimensional and profound, and his feelings were deep.

She held her index finger in her mouth, stunned and obsessed.

"Most thinking that your finger is me."

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng said again, breaking the aesthetic style. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and slowly raised his feet towards Ji Anning.

"What do you mean?" Ji Anning looked at the man who was walking in confusion, took his finger out of his mouth, and looked at it.

There was still a little cream in the joints, she licked it off with her tongue.

Ji Chicheng looked at her, his brows condensed slightly, and his body stiffened.

This girl has already given birth to children, and has also been in the entertainment industry. Why is she still so white when it comes to that kind of thing.

He was a little annoyed, speeded up his pace and walked over, drew a paper towel, helped Ji Anning wipe the saliva from his finger, and then looked casually over the cake with a layer of peach juice.

A little sadness rippled like water waves in his deep black eyes, layer upon layer.

Ji Chicheng was in a daze. Ji Anning glanced at him, a sly flash in his bright eyes.

Her other hand grabbed a handful of cream from the side of the cake in a thunderous manner, and quickly wiped a handful of cream on Ji Chicheng's lips.

She knew that this action was extremely dangerous. After touching her, she immediately avoided and fled a meter or two away. Then she looked at Ji Chicheng with cream on her lips and laughed deliberately.

She wanted to see him smile, not to see him sad.

With the cream on his lips, the faint sweetness burrowed into his mouth uncontrollably, Ji Chicheng frowned and looked at the perpetrator proudly waving the victory banner.

Ji Anning smiled, her shoulders trembled, her brows and eyes curled, her face flushed.

Ji Chicheng smiled in anger, tilted his neck, shrugged his shoulders, and waited patiently for her to stop laughing.

Ji Anning looked at him like that, feeling irritating and scared. This was the first time she dared to be so presumptuous to him. They had been together before and had been spoiled by him, but she had never really let go.

She felt that between them, they were really in love, really like lovers.

Ji Chicheng always looked at her and smiled, with great patience. She felt that it was not exciting enough, and tried to provoke him, "Sweet or not?"

"Come here, let me tell you whether it's sweet or not." Ji Chicheng waved to Ji Anning, with a good temper.

"No." Not only did Ji Anning step back vigilantly, and then continued to laugh boldly, "I know you have tasted it. It's sweet. Oops, my grandma's birthday cake must be very Sweet."

My grandma...

Originally, Ji Chicheng would have a black face when he heard a topic about his mother, but when he said it from Ji Anning's mouth, using that name, he only felt an evil taste flooding his mind.