So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 758: Use her cornea (1)

went to the bathroom and took a simple wash. When she came out, she pursed her mouth, and walked to the dining table while rubbing her wrists. She walked to the side of Ji Chicheng and did not immediately sit down.

Instead, he bowed his head and stared at him dissatisfied.

Ji Chicheng looked up in confusion, "What?"

"Birds." Ji Anning gritted his teeth and cursed the man who had asked the question, and then sat down beside him, pouting.

Seeing the delicious food on the table, the gluttons in her belly were aroused. She couldn't wait to reach out for chopsticks, but her hand was sore that she picked up a dish and dropped it.

The man next to her looked at her amusedly, his smile mixed with thick ambiguity and molesting.

Ji Anning was angry, and stared at him fiercely, "You still laugh, it's not all because of you, you feed me."

"I only use my mouth to feed, are you sure?" Ji Chicheng raised an eyebrow at Ji Anning expressionlessly.

At this moment, he returned to his signature indifference, not at all joking or joking.

"I eat it myself."

Ji Anning was afraid that it would cause fire after feeding, and immediately looked away from the man's face, and took the chopsticks to eat.

Now her hands no longer tremble, her wrists are no longer sore, and she is very quick to pick up vegetables.

Ji Chicheng looked at her calmly, adding a little dish to her bowl from time to time.

Such a couple's life, they don't know how many times they have dreamed about it, how many times they have imagined it, and now it is really realized, it is really as beautiful as a dream.

They fell in love, braved the wind and waves, and finally fell in love.


In fact, the main reason for staying in L city for treatment is that no one bothers, only the two of them can enjoy a period of time.

It would be perfect if it weren't for Char, the old demon who broke into the atmosphere of destruction from time to time and unconsciously.

Ji Anning looked at the opposing old man and the little man, already fond of the scene. Ji Chicheng's face was cold, as if he had a vengeance with the old man opposite, while the old man opposite was calm and calm. There is always a smile on her, like a breeze.

Of course, in all likelihood there are knives hidden in his smile.

She does not participate between them, unless they fight, she pulls a sidetrack.

"I really hope you can stay in L City for a while."

Knowing that Ji Chicheng had completed the discharge procedures and was about to leave City L, Char reluctantly came to see him off.

"But it's okay. I just bought a plane and I am preparing to fly a long distance test flight. We will meet again soon."

Char kept talking to himself, Ji Chicheng ignored his words.

He meant, is he going to China soon?

Ji Anning frowned and looked at Charles speechlessly. This old man, really lingering in the shadows, really entangled her uncle.

"Boss, time is almost up."

The driver of Ji Chicheng's plane here at one o'clock in the afternoon pinched to remind him.

"Let's go."

Ji Chicheng faintly replied to the driver, and looked away from Char indifferently. He raised his foot, walked to Ji Anning, took her hand, and walked towards the door.

He didn't even look at Charles again.

Ji Anning also looked back. She wanted to tell Char to stop disturbing their lives.

Forcing him to follow his surname is not a manifestation of Aiwu Jiwu, but a kind of domineering possessiveness and perverted aggressiveness.

But his obsession has been so deep for so many years, how could he be able to listen to her with a word or two.

Ji Anning thought for a while, but gave up. After leaving the door of the ward, she turned her head and looked at Char, who was still standing there, looking at Ji Chicheng.