So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 739: To want you to want you is to want you (17)


L city, the morning light shone.

Many reporters later learned that Char was going to hold a wedding at home today. They wanted to see the wedding style and grab a bit of news to report. However, Char's house was blocked for several miles, and no bird could fly in.

Let alone people and cars.

The guards all have gun handles.

No one is not curious about the sacredness of Char's bride. Some people say that it is the female anchor who once visited Char's house and interviewed Char, and some said that it was a female star who was hidden by Char's house for two years.

Char's secrecy work is very good, and those who are invited to the wedding dare not divulge any information.

In one day, the backyard of Char's house was set up as a romantic wedding hall.

Colorful roses, full of fragrance.

The guests who came to the wedding had already been to Char's house the day before, and they were all related to Char's family.

Early in the morning, the downstairs was boiling. Ji Anning was standing in front of the window, barefoot and wearing loose pajamas. The window was open, and the lively atmosphere couldn't exaggerate her lonely heart.

The cold wind blew, her nose was sour, the blue sky, she could not see the side, could not see the uncle on the other side of the ocean, could not see her lovely one after another.

From now on, they really...really go further and further.

There was a knock on the door behind him. Ji Anning looked down and sighed sadly in his heart. The knocker knocked a few times and pushed away without receiving her response.


This voice is called!

Ji Anning suddenly turned his head and looked over. The gray-haired old man looked at her calmly. The old man’s face was more vicissitudes of life than her memory.


Finally, she found a trace of solace in her lonely heart. She ran to her mother with red eyes and hugged her.

The mother also raised her hand and hugged her, but she just hugged and said nothing.

At this time, for Ji Anning, the embrace of such an acquaintance is also a kind of sustenance, at least it will not make her feel that she is now in a human world.

"Don't cry, you should be happy today."

After a long time, the mother's callous palms patted her back to comfort her.

Ji Anning heard from her mother's tone that her old man didn't mind her marrying Char, an old man many years older than him.

She thought, maybe in her mother's heart, it is better to marry an old man than to **** with her own uncle.

If you think about it from the perspective of a bystander, it is true, so she can't mind her mother's attitude.

Ji Anning didn't speak, loosened her arms, and withdrew from her mother's embrace. While wiping her tears, she pulled her mother and said, "Mom, you sit down for a while, I'll go wash."

She pulled her mother onto the bed and sat down.

The mother, who was used to being simple, sat on the bed and looked around the room, looking a little uncomfortable.

Ji Anning took a deep look at her, then turned and went into the bathroom.

'Tuk tuk tuk'

She just closed the bathroom door, and there was another knock on the door. She squeezed the toothpaste and answered the door: "Come in."

The people outside got her permission and entered her room, as if they knew she was in the bathroom, and stood at the door of the bathroom and said, "Miss Nian Nian, are you ready here? Can the makeup artist and stylist come in? ?"


In the past few days, every minute and every second has been very tormented, so hurry over. When the tree is finished, there will be nothing to say.