So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 740: To want you to want you is to want you (eighteen)

Ji Anning held the toothbrush tightly in her hand and brushed her teeth vigorously. The foam kept sliding down her chin, all red, until there was no foam, she took out the toothbrush.

Lowering his head, all that flowed from his mouth was just bright red blood, dripping into the sink and into the sewer.

She turned on the faucet, picked up cold water, and poured it on her face.

Everything I did was just to remind myself to be more awake, just to let myself start from today, she must be completely disconnected from the past.

"Miss Nian Nian is the most beautiful bride I have ever seen."

"really beautiful."

After putting on makeup and styling, Ji Anning stood in front of the mirror, like a puppet, the stylist and the costumer were tidying the white sand on her head and the hem of her skirt.

The two were full of praise for her, and the assistants on the side all followed her.

Ji Anning's expression was dull, she didn't have the joy and happiness that a bride should have.

"Is it all right? The wedding is about to begin."

The person in charge of the wedding has come to urge a second time.

The stylist and costumer gave him an OK expression at the same time, then smiled and said to Ji Anning: "Miss Nian Nian, it's all right, let's go downstairs."

Ji Anning nodded and turned to look at her mother who was sitting on the bed. Her mother looked at her, but there was no joy on her face, but there was a trace of melancholy between her brows.

She smiled at her, "Mom, let's go downstairs together."

"Okay." The mother nodded, and then there was a smile at the corner of her mouth, a smile of powerlessness.

Her old man had a car accident and was physically ill. After sitting for a long time, she had to stand up on the mattress with one hand, and slowly straightened her legs first, and then her waist.

Ji Anning walked over and took her arm and supported her.

They walked in front, the makeup artist and a group of people followed them, and the servants were busy in the living room on the first floor, and all the guests had gone to the backyard.

Ji Anning glanced down at the living room, then downstairs sadly.

Under the guidance of the servant, she walked step by step into the palace of marriage she didn't want.

The setting of the scene was far more magnificent than what she saw yesterday. The guests sat in rows and listened to the emcee's familiar lines on stage.

Char is in a black suit, standing next to the emcee, with a straight and relaxed posture.

The father was supposed to deliver the daughter to the bridegroom, but Ji Anning took his mother and walked in slowly.

"Hello madam, let me take you to your seat."

Under the arched flower gate, someone came to them to take her mother away. Ji Anning was a little panicked, she looked at her mother.

The mother reached out and patted the back of her hand, giving her a soothing look.

Ji Anning pressed her lips tightly, tears flashed in her eyes, she took her hand from her mother's arm, listening to the wedding march, watching her mother go from the side to the first row to take her seat.

Tears blurred her eyes.

"Below we invite our beautiful bride in."

The emcee didn't know how many times he said this sentence. Seeing that Ji Anning was indifferent, he raised his voice again.

Ji Anning's footsteps were slow to come forward and refused to show up. The crowd looked back. She was blocked by Hua, but she could see them.

The strange faces and curious eyes forced her to face a broken heart.

"Niannian, do you want to regret it?"

Char came to Ji Anning in person and looked down at her. The cold voice and the biting chill made people fearful.