So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 738: To want you to want you is to want you (16)

Xin Xiaoxiao herself was dissatisfied, and felt that she pushed the fat man with her mouth, "Dad, you seem to be flattering others like this, and you are still selling a girl for glory."

"You shut up." Father Xin gave Xin Xiaoxiao a fierce look, and then talked with Ji Mingyue with a slight smile, "This girl is always silent."

Ji Mingyue pursed the corner of her mouth, smiled faintly, smiling a little absent-mindedly.

When Father Xin was not talking to her, she looked out the window, frowning, thoughtful.

"Daddy, Sugar."

Suddenly, the door of the box opened, and small figures rushed in quickly, holding a box of wedding candy in both hands, as if showing off to Ji Chicheng, who was sitting in the most side position and kept silent.

Ji Chicheng looked at the little girl and finally showed a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand and stroked his small face in a petting manner, then picked her up and sat on his lap.

They opened the candy box one after another, took out a candy from it, opened the bag and said, "The bride is beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful."

The little girl said milkily, and put a candy into her mouth, as if she was still thinking about the beautiful bride.

Xin Xiaoxiao looked over and smiled and said, "One after another, then I will marry your father, and I am also a beautiful and beautiful bride."

"This girl is really..." Father Xin frowned and glanced at his daughter, then Chong Ji Mingyue smiled embarrassedly, "It's not ashamed."

Ji Mingyue pursed the corner of her mouth, turned her head, looked at the wedding candy box in front of them, fixed her gaze on the big red happy character, in a daze.

Father Xin retreated from the embarrassment, looked at Ji Chicheng, and thoughtfully said: "But everyone is usually too busy to get out. It's hard to get together today. Why don't you come to discuss the engagement date? Just go through the normal process Okay, don't have to be so troublesome."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng raised his head, looked at Ji Mingyue next to him, took a look at her, and then looked opposite, looking at Xin Xiaoxiao and his daughter.

Xin Xiaoxiao's gaze happened to look at him, and against his deep and cold black eyes, Xin Xiaoxiao had a smirk in his eyes.

"Dad, you let me marry a handsome guy like Ji Chicheng. I have no objection. I must have opened my arms to greet him on my bed. But if you let me be a junior, I won't do it."

As she spoke, she reached out and took out a stack of photos from her bag and threw them on the table.

Everyone looked at the pile of photos, including the one held in Ji Chicheng's arms.

"Mummy, ice cream."

Seeing the photos one after another, they recognized Ji Anning in the photos as the ice cream shop they ate in L City that day.

She stood up from Ji Chicheng in surprise, stretched out her hand, grabbed a few photos, and showed Ji Chicheng, "Mummy."


Father Xin grabbed the pile of photos, his face deepened, and looked at Ji Mingyue and Ji Chicheng, as if asking them for an explanation.

Ji Mingyue was rather calm. She had a cold face and said to Father Xin: "There is a daughter in Chicheng, and a daughter must have a mother..."

Before she finished her words, Ji Chicheng beside her suddenly stood up, "Sorry, I never thought about marrying a woman other than my mother."

He was put on the chair next to him one after another, he was talking while dialing the number with his mobile phone.

Before everyone could reflect, he had turned around and ran out of the room anxiously.

"Prepare a plane for me and go to City L immediately."