So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 737: If you want you, I want you (15) to ask for a monthly pass

He always has his own style in doing things, and no one can interfere. No matter what she says, he just refuses to let her see.

"It's really beautiful."

Ji Anning was thinking about it, when the door of the room suddenly opened, and a voice that made her disgusted came from the door, interrupting her thoughts, she glanced over it coldly, and retracted it arrogantly.

Korea walked in front of her without rush or slow, lowered her eyes, and looked at her with high eyes, "Although my uncle is twice as old as you, he is well maintained. You stand together, it's also very good. A good match."

Ji Anning heard the ridicule in her words and smiled calmly, "Miss Korea, you are also very beautiful, you are a good match for standing with anyone, but standing with my uncle is not good enough."

Her face was pulled down with the last four words.

Then with a cold snort, she turned to look at herself in the mirror, herself in the wedding dress, her eyes showed a trace of sadness.

Why... She wears a wedding dress, but not for her beloved uncle. How many times she has dreamed and imagined that she put on a wedding dress for the arrogant boy, who rode a white horse to marry her.

What Ji Anning said just now was obviously humiliating her. Korea refused to give up, staring bitterly at Ji Anning who looked forward to the mirror and said: "Unexpectedly, your mouth is so powerful. It was not like that when you were in front of others."

The longing picture was shattered by Korea's voice, pulling Ji Anning back to reality, and she turned her head and replied unwillingly: "It's good to know that I am both sides, don't provoke me easily."

After speaking, she turned around and whispered to the designer: "Ok? If it's OK, I will take it off."

The designer nodded to her.

She pursed her lips and walked into the bedroom.

Without standing up to the wind, Korea glared at Ji Anning's back, and her eyes flickered darkly.

Then turned around, left the room, and knocked on Char's study.

Char was dealing with work. He raised his head and glanced at Korea. Seeing her upset with her mouth turned, he put down the work at hand, pressed his lips, and asked her what was going on with his expression.

Korea's mouth turned taller. She walked up to Char and asked her frustratedly, "Uncle, did you marry Miss Nian-nian and only invited her mother?"

Charl knew her thoughts and smiled: "Don't worry, I will invite Mr. Ji, but it is not at the wedding. You have to wait until I and Niannian get married before you have a better chance, right?"

At this time, Korea didn't hide his thoughts anymore and directly stated to Char, "I admire Mr. Ji very much. He is talented. I can see that my uncle also appreciates him. If we can become a family, it would be better."

Hearing that, Char stretched out his hand and patted the back of Korea's hand on the corner of the table meaningfully, "Of course my uncle will work hard to help you fight for what you like, and you will have many opportunities to contact him in the future."

"Thank you, uncle." Korea smiled happily.

Char's lips curled, a touch of playfulness aroused at the corner of his mouth, waiting for a good show to begin.


Sea city, high-end restaurant.

In the private box where you can see the sea view, there is a very sentimental foreign country music.

The fat man raised his red wine glass and smiled slightly at Ji Mingyue who was sitting in the wheelchair: "Miss Si, you know that doing business, we are all busy. We Xiaoxiao grew up, and I let her be free, too. I'm used to her, but you can discipline her at your Ji's house."