So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 730: To want you to want you is to want you (8)

When Xiang Yi said lightly, when Ji Mingyue was telling him, bullets flew up suddenly, facing her right and left feet continuously, and she had no time to react.

Until she was shot and fell down, she didn't see the person who fired the gun. She was in a coma and woke up in the hospital.

She came over by mistake when she saw Char personally fired. The man who broke in was worse than Ji Mingyue. His limbs were abolished. Every time she thinks about that picture, she will have hair standing upright. .

That was the most demonic aspect of Char so far.

Sometimes curiosity can really kill a cat, knowing that breaking into it will have serious consequences, but she still can't help the pace of exploration inside, step by step approaching the gate of the restricted area.

The closer I get, the more gloomy I feel, inexplicably, perhaps because of fear.

Finally, Ji Anning walked into the gate of the restricted area. She was just standing at the gate last time.

She stopped and looked like a radar. She scanned the surroundings and observed carefully. She didn't find anyone. There were bamboos everywhere, which made her feel like a bamboo forest.

Because it grows too densely, it is very gloomy and dark with a damp smell.

Ji Anning's footsteps carefully explored inside.

A very narrow concrete road leading to the depths, she discovered that Char's house was far bigger than she thought.

She held her breath and walked in, her steps seemed to be on her own heart. With every step she took, her heartbeat accelerated a little, and she felt like she was about to jump out.

Going deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper, this road seems to have no end.

Suddenly, she realized something was wrong, and suddenly turned her head back, she could not figure out the direction when she came, and could not see the gate of the restricted area.

She was suddenly horrified, and further forward, the path was winding, she... lost?

Mind nervous and messy for a while, Ji Anning tried to calm herself down.

Calm, you must be calm, or else you can't find the direction.

She stood in place, scanned her eyes several times, and found that there were roads everywhere.

Nima, this is a maze. When I entered just now, all I saw was a crooked path.

Ji Anning frowned and was depressed for a while, and decided to move on. She thought she would definitely not be able to get out. At most, she would go around for a while, and she could plan for the worst. The guards here found her and shot her. She still has a life for her limbs.

Thinking of this, she boldly moved forward.

I didn't feel the anxiety when I first entered, and walked into the depths of the bamboo forest with a curious and inquiring heart.

Finally, the winding path came to an end, and the bamboo forest was over, but what was the tall, white concrete building ahead?

Similar to the Roman style, it looks very grand.

In that whole piece, with colorful flowers, Ji Anning felt as if he had entered the paradise written in martial arts novels.

How deep is Char's secret? Why is this person so weird?

It's weird and scary.

Walking out of the bamboo forest, Ji Anning approached the magnificent building step by step, similar to a house, but not as high as the house, and there was no door in sight.

But the shape is really beautiful and unique.

What's even more amazing is that when she approached, she saw several butterflies resting on the petals, and some butterflies would fly out this season.