So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 729: To want you to want you is to want you (7)

"Give me the branch in the beautiful city of L city, okay?" Ji Anning calmed down and talked.

Ji Chicheng said: "Here you are, Meichengcheng is all for you, and all mine is yours."

All, all.

Ji Anning laughed, "Uncle, I only want a small part, and a small part will do. Give it to me. The future aunt will definitely be jealous."

With a somewhat joking tone, Ji Chicheng's face was pale, "There won't be anyone else."

Five words are worth a thousand words, and the promise is bigger than each other.

In this life, there will be no one else except Ji Anning.

Ji Anning became serious again, "Give me some time, let me try to find a new life, maybe in this world, there will be a second uncle who makes my heart beat."

She took a sigh of relief, and then continued: "Promise me, you also try to accept and accept a new life, okay?"

She used a begging tone, expressing her wish.

Ji Chicheng held the phone tightly, pursing his lips, trembling with the trembling breath.

After a long while, he gave a deep "um", then he hung up the phone, depressed with nowhere to vent, he raised his head and closed his eyes.

Maybe in this world, there will be a second uncle who makes my heart beat...

If so, that's fine.


After talking on the phone with Ji Chicheng, Ji Anning sat on the balcony all night. He didn't want to go back to the room or the empty big bed. He didn't want to cover the quilt that didn't taste like him, and he didn't want to close his eyes to miss him, but couldn't touch it.

How long will it take for such a day? How long will it take for her to adapt and forget?

She has used it for two years, but she hasn't done it.

Seeing the sky change, the dark night sky gradually turned dark blue, and the sky full of stars and the moon did not know when they would disappear.


The sky gradually turned white, and the servants in the house were about to get up in a while. Ji Anning sighed tiredly, got up, and prepared to close the curtains.

She was holding the curtain with her hand, and when she was about to close it, a white figure suddenly broke into her sight.

Her eyes focused.


Like what he saw yesterday, Char is wearing a white suit with his hands in his trouser pockets, walking straight in the direction he came from yesterday morning.

What has he been doing these two days?

Ji Anning bit her lip, clutching the curtain cloth tightly, and wondering for a while, Char has disappeared, he just went to the backyard.

Forbidden area, Ji Anning suddenly thought of the forbidden area in the backyard, would Charr go there?

What's in there? As for how tightly he guards over there.

Ji Anning thought, gritted his teeth, turned and hurried out of the room and ran downstairs. It was too early at this time. The servants hadn't gotten up yet. Only the housekeeper and those who prepared breakfast were up.

Ji Anning sneaked out when no one noticed, she was still wearing pajamas.

When he arrived at the door, he didn't change his shoes, and ran out of the door directly wearing indoor slippers and went to the backyard from the shortcut.

Sure enough, when she got to the backyard, she saw Char walk into the gate of the so-called restricted area, just to catch his last white figure.

Ji Anning looked around and saw no one, so she trot over and approached the gate of the restricted area. She slowed down again, cautiously.

Because she didn't know where the guards were.