So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 731: To want you to want you is to want you (9)

Ji Anning was surprised. After going around the Roman-style building most of the time, he finally saw a trail, which should be the front of the building.

She quickened her pace.

When she saw what she thought was the "door", her face instantly turned pale, all the hairs on her body stood up, and she only felt a strong cold breath from the soles of her feet into her body.

The tomb, this beautiful building, turned out to be a tomb.


At this moment, two crows flew in the air suddenly, the cry made people horrified, Ji Anning stepped back in fright.

She opened her mouth and looked at the tombstone of the tomb. The tombstone was engraved in Chinese. The distance was too far, and it was strange. The text was very small. She couldn't see what was written.

Ji Anning swallowed and spit, boldly moved forward, to the tombstone.

Want to see what is written above.

Tomb of beloved wife Wu Cai!

A bunch of words, Ji Anning had just seen the first line at the beginning, and a terrifying voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Niannian, don't you know this is a restricted area?"

Char, it's Char.

Ji Anning clenched fists with both hands, her palms were full of sweat, she held her breath and did not dare to turn around.

She wondered, at this moment, is Charles holding a gun at her? She turned her face and looked back cautiously. From the outside, she glanced at the tall figure of the man, slowly approaching her, carrying a gloomy look. gas.

Ji Anning swallowed and spit, and gradually she heard Char's footsteps.

Anyway, he has already come in. If you want to kill or slash, just listen to him. She is nervous here, and it is useless.

Ji Anning thought, turned around in a hurry, pretended to look calmly at Char, pointed at the tombstone in front of him and asked: "Mr. Char, is this your lover's tomb?"

"Yes." Charr nodded, his footsteps have reached the tombstone, his deep blue eyes, affectionately looking at the words'beloved wife Wu Cai' on the tombstone, and murmured: "I am beautiful Wife."

Speaking, he bent over, leaned over, and gently kissed the words "Wu Cai" on the tombstone.

At this moment, Char's every move was full of affection in Ji Anning's eyes.

Ji Anning was surprised and surprised.

The impression that Char gave him was uncertain, half-angel-like and demon-like, so gentle that it confuses people, and it's so devilish that people can't wait to tear him.

But she couldn't associate him with the infatuated man.

She never expected that this restricted area that made everyone curious would be his wife's grave.

"She doesn't like talking, she likes to be quiet, and she doesn't like contact with strangers."

Char suddenly spoke again, this time looking at Ji Anning.

Ji Anning could feel from the look in his eyes and the tone of voice towards her, he was angry, and she bit her lip, not knowing what reason she could find to offend herself.

Because I am completely out of curiosity.

She bit her lip, lowered her head, and said nothing. Charl suddenly took a step closer to her, looked down at her, and ordered: "Knock her head, apologize to her, and don't come again next time."

Ji Anning raised his head and looked at him without humble or utterance, "You let me in, didn't you let me know that she exists here, in your Char's house?"

Otherwise, so many people tried to break in without success, how could she come in.