So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 726: To want you to want you is to want you (four)

Suddenly someone knocked on the door, pulling back her thoughts that hadn't had time to fly away. She looked at the door and hesitated before responding: "Come in."

She guessed that in all likelihood it was Korea.

Because she had already replied that the servants would not eat dinner, at this point, they would not come up and knock on her door.

In response, she sat up, turned on the light in the room, and the room was bright. She got up, carried her bag, and walked to the sofa.

The door was pushed open. Not surprisingly, it was Korea who had just met at the top of the stairs.

"Ms. Kore, are you doing anything so late?" Ji Anning glanced at Korea, bent over and sat down on the sofa, put the bag on the coffee table, and opened the zipper.

I was about to take my mobile phone, but I accidentally discovered that there was something in it. It was the prize they got at the ice cream shop today, the ice cream cup for lovers.

She was surprised and reached out and took it out. There was only one blue male model.

She didn't remember that she put this cup in her bag. She didn't take any of the things she bought today, so Ji Chicheng must have put it in her bag.

"Oh, this is the only limited edition couple cup. Did Miss Nienian go to eat the only ice cream?"

Korea recognized the ice cream cup in Ji Anning's hand, walked up to her, looked at her and asked.

"Yes." Ji Anning nodded, keeping his eyes on the cup in her hand.

Open the bag and study it carefully like a baby. After getting it, she has not had time to open the bag and study it.

In fact, it is a drinking glass shaped like ice cream. It looks very young, with a row of English engraved on it. The previous paragraph is their slogan, and his only time.

There are four more words at the back: Do not forget the original intention.

Ji Anning's fingertips trembled, and she did not forget her original intention. She had never forgotten her original intention and never forgot to love him.

She stretched out her other hand and stroked the row of words.

Korea looked at Ji Anning in a daze, and looked at it for a while with an inquiring gaze. She said, "You only eat once in your life."

Ji Anning nodded, "Well, it's enough to eat with only one person in a lifetime."

Obviously, she was not picking up her words, but muttering to herself, Korea's eyes returned to the cup in Ji Anning's hand, and a flash of jealousy flashed in her eyes.

She said: "I just learned that you are going to marry my uncle."

Ji Anning's thoughts were completely interrupted. She put down the cup, turned her head and looked at Korea with a smile, "So Miss Korea is here to congratulate me?"

Korea also bends her lips, "Somewhat unexpectedly, Miss Nien-nian is going to be my elder."

In her tone, she made no secret of her contempt and pride.

Ji Anning chuckled, "Life is full of accidents."

Korea looked at her again and asked, "Mr. Ji knows that you are going to marry my uncle? What should I do?"

Ji Anning answered her lightly, "Those do not seem to be what Miss Korea should worry about."

As she spoke, she turned the subject again, "But as for Mr. Yu Ji, he already has a fiancée, Miss Korea is a step late."

She directly pointed out Korea's thoughts. She knocked on the door and mocked her overtly and secretly. Isn't it just for Ji Chicheng?

Korea was surprised. "He has a fiancé?"

Obviously, she could not accept this fact. She was so happy to hear that Ji Anning was going to marry Char, thinking that she finally had a chance.

Why suddenly a fiancee popped out.

Suddenly, she thought of something and looked at Ji Anning and asked: "What is the daughter of Hai Rui Group reported on that news?"