So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 727: To want you to want you is to want you (5)

Ji Anning shrugged and shook his head, "I don't know about this."

She looked at Korea as she was still unable or unwilling to accept it, and a trace of wicked joy rose in her heart.

If Ji Chicheng is not destined to be hers, then compared to this scheming Korea, who has scammed hundreds of thousands of money for liquor, she prefers Xin Xiaoxiao who feels very straightforward to her.

There is no other reason, just by feeling.

Korea was still sitting and had no plans to leave. Ji Anning raised her eyebrows at her, "Is there anything wrong with Miss Korea? If not, I would like to rest. I played outside for a day and I was very tired."

"Good night, Miss Niannian."

Korea put away his thoughts, smiled and said goodnight to Ji Anning, then got up and left.

Ji Anning followed her up and sent her to the door of the room. After she had walked a few steps away, she closed the door and locked it.


After the little girl was tired for a day, Ji Chicheng took her out of the car and slept very deep all the way to the room.

Hearing the opening of the door, Xiang Yiqing stood up and greeted him. Seeing that they were asleep, he lowered his voice, "Fall asleep, have you eaten?"

Ji Chicheng nodded, but did not stop, she will be sent into the bedroom one after another, gently put on the bed, the little girl moved, he quickly patted her on the chest, and put her to sleep.

He carefully took out the hand that was pillowed by her, stood up, and adjusted the bedside lamp to the darkest light, fearing that he would suddenly wake up and be afraid to see the darkness.

Then he walked out of the room, and Xiang Yiqing went back to sit on the sofa, wearing flat glasses, giving a report.

Ji Chicheng walked over, "Where is she?"

Xiang Yiqing knew who Ji Chicheng asked, and replied: "In the next room, let the nurse bathe her."

Ji Chicheng was going to see Ji Mingyue immediately. When she heard that she was taking a bath, she bent down and sat down beside Xiang Yiqing. He looked at Xiang Yiqing and asked, "How did you bring her back?"

Xiang Yiqing said, "I went to Char's house today, just in time for Char's hypoglycemia and fainted, which saved his life."

Hearing that, Ji Chicheng gave Xiang Yiqing a hostile look. He really didn't know who made him nosy, and went to save the arrogant and self-righteous old man.

Xiang Yiqing knew what he meant, and said righteously: "Parents of the healer, I can't forget the oath I made at school."

Ji Chicheng ignored his self-promotion and returned to the previous question, "How could he give up the idea of ​​marrying Mingyue?"

Xiang Yi lightly shook his head, "I don't know about this. Anning called me last night to pick up Mingyue today. I passed this morning. When Chaer woke up in a coma in the afternoon, he would let me take Mingyue away."

"An Ning asked you to pick her up?" Ji Chicheng frowned, constricting his eyes in confusion.

Fearing that Ji Chicheng would misunderstand Ji Anning, Xiang Yiqing explained: "She said that you and Char guilty, afraid that you will pick up Mingyue, if you quarrel with him at Char's house, you will suffer."

‘Ding Dong’

At this moment, someone rang the doorbell.

"It is estimated that Mingyue has taken a bath." Xiang Yiqing said and got up to open the door.

Opening the door, the nurse is really standing at the door, "Mr. Xiang, Miss Ji has already taken a shower."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng immediately got up, walked over, and asked Xiang Yiqing, "Left hand or right hand?"

Xiang Yiqing pointed to the right, "right hand side."

Ji Chicheng went out, walked to the right hand side, next to their room, the door was open, all the lights inside were on, very bright.