So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 725: To want you to want you is to want you (3)


"Miss Niannian is back."

"Miss Niannian, have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten." Ji Anning rubbed her temples and walked straight to the stairs. Thinking of something, she suddenly stopped and asked the servant who had just talked to her, "The gentleman during the day gave Mr. Char an infusion. Mr., has he gone?"

She has forgotten all about it this day.

"That kid has gone, as you wish, I took Ji Mingyue away for her."

Char's voice suddenly came from the second floor.

Doctor Xiang has taken my sister-in-law away?

Hearing this news, Ji Anning subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her head and looked to the second floor. Char copied her hand and stood there, always in the posture of a king.

She curled her lips and smiled generously. "Thank you Mr. Char."

Charl suddenly faced her and looked at her seriously, "In a few days, you will become Mrs. Char. Don't appear in public with the opposite **** casually in the future."

He sent someone to follow her.

A flash of hatred flashed in Ji Anning's heart, but when she thought about it, it was normal to send someone to follow her on the dark side of Char's unknown.

Thinking about it, she nodded and replied to Char: "I have remembered all of these, and I will pay attention to it in the future. I will go upstairs and rest first."

Charl pursed his lips, tacitly approved.

Ji Anning raised her foot upstairs, and suddenly a familiar woman's voice came from the second floor.

"Uncle, I have done it."

Ji Anning went up a few steps, but was interrupted by the sound again. She raised her head and looked like a tall woman, wearing a goose-yellow training uniform, holding two red folders in her hand, and walked to Char's side. Stop.

She also just cast her eyes down and glanced down, sweeping to Ji Anning, her gaze turned back and fell on Ji Anning.

There was no surprise in his gaze, but there was a thought-provoking smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Niannian."

When the other party spoke, Ji Anning smiled faintly, "Miss Korea."

She had forgotten, Korea once told her that Char was her uncle.

After saying hello, Ji Anning continued to move up. Chaer saw that the two knew each other and said with a smile: "You know, I don't need to introduce it."

Korea smiled generously, "Yes, I have seen Miss Nienian many times, and we have eaten and drank together. Miss Nienian has an amazing amount of alcohol."

Speaking, she glanced at Ji Anning meaningfully again, holding her hands leisurely, and the two folders in her hands were also caught in her arms following her movements.

Charl was slightly surprised when he heard this, "I haven't had a drink with her once."

"Not as good as Miss Korea." Ji Anning went upstairs, approached Char and Korea, nodded slightly at them, and said, "I will go back to my room first, good night."

She basically didn't stop in her footsteps, just paused, then lifted up again, and continued to walk forward.

Korea's gaze followed Ji Anning until she entered the room.

When Ji Anning pushed the door, Yu Guang also glanced at Korea and found that she was looking at her. She ignored her and pushed the door into the room.

Having been around for a day, she now returns to the room, back to the space temporarily belonging to her, it's dark, she doesn't want to turn on the lights or face loneliness.

Relying on feelings, he moved forward, touched the bed, sat down, lay down, spread his limbs, and formed a large font.

Looking at the dark top without blinking.
