So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 722: Only eat once in a lifetime (5)

Ji Anning was a little moved. She raised her eyes and looked at the long line at the entrance of the ice cream shop, frowning, "But there are still so many people in line."

Ji Chicheng said: "They have so many people every day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, even if it is windy and rainy, there will be no shortage of people. They can't pack them at home yet, they can only finish eating in the store."

Ji Anning was a little surprised when he knew so much about an ice cream shop.

Ji Chicheng saw what she was thinking, "I saw a Chinese student studying in the shopping street of N City for the first time, with hair as long as you, wearing the uniform of M University, a white shirt, and a black skirt. Holding two small pocket romance novels in China, lined up in a long line, I followed her all the way to the end."

Pretend that it is you.

Ji Anning's eyes were slightly hot, and her voice was uncontrollable with a nasal voice, "Then I will go in line."

She raised her foot and walked towards the back of the team, with Ji Chicheng following her.

Most of the people in the front line are people who are in love, and there are several pairs of people who are in love.

"Daddy, they are so shy."

They were hugged by the tall Ji Chicheng one after another, looking far away, her little finger pointed at the man and woman who was sixth in front of them, and told Ji Chicheng that they were ashamed.

When Ji Anning heard it, she looked forward and saw that she frowned, and immediately took out the mobile phone from her bag and handed it to her, diverting her attention, "I will dispel the music for you."

Xiaoxiaole is the game that the little girl currently loves most, and it has successfully diverted her attention.

There are still a lot of people in front. They have to wait until there is a free place inside. The team is moving very slowly. It was a bit windy today, and it was quite cold. The hair on Ji Anning’s forehead was blown messy, and his cheeks were blown. Redness.

She waited very anxiously, but she was determined, her eyes full of expectation.

Ji Chicheng stared at her small face, stretched out his hand distressedly, and helped her brush her hair. The tips of his fingers were slightly cool, but compared with the temperature on Ji Anning's face, it was still warmer.

Touching gently, as if touching Ji Anning's heart, her heart twitched slightly, turning her head to look at him blankly.

Ji Chicheng smiled, fingers still picking Ji Anning's messy hair, "There are not as many broken hairs as you have."

Ji Anning pursed the corners of his lips, and moved the topic to Dian Dian, "Uncle, don't spoil them too much."

In her tone, there was some helplessness and vicissitudes of leaving.

Ji Chicheng curled his lips helplessly, "But I can only pet her."

There won't be anyone.

When Ji Anning heard the words, her eyes turned red again. She raised her head and took a deep breath, adjusted, then frowned, looking at Ji Chicheng with tears, "You always say yes, but you always It makes the atmosphere very sad and always pushes me."

Ji Chicheng apologized, "It's me who is not good. I will ask later if I can let you eat more."

"I have to eat one more."

Many people who have been devoted to playing the game can't hear anything. She heard these words and clamored to eat more.

Ji Anning laughed irritably.


"Miss, I have already taken a lot, do you want to continue to follow?"

In a cafe opposite, a middle-aged man in a black leather jacket looked at Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng who were waiting in line to eat ice cream. He had earphones on his ears and he was speaking into the headset microphone.