So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 721: Eat only once in a lifetime (4)

"Daddy, why is Mommy crying?"

The little girl's voice trembled a little, as if she was a little scared, Ji Chicheng smiled back to her, "Mummy is tired."

Hearing this, they nodded their heads sensibly, "Oh, daddy hugs Mommy, and walks by themselves, don't hug them."

The immature voice made Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning distressed.

They... They shouldn't show negative and bad emotions in front of them, and they really shouldn't make her afraid.

She pushed away Ji Chicheng, wiped away tears with her hands, turned around and bent over, picked up all the bags on the ground, and stuffed them to Ji Chicheng, "You take them, you take all these, I bought a lot of clothes for her, Until ten years old."

"it is good."

Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand to take all the bags and looked at the crying girl with rain in Ewha. He raised his mouth, reached out his hand and took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her, "wipe away your tears, my sister."

Ji Anning blushed, stretched out her hand to take the handkerchief without wiping tears, and used it directly to blow her nose. After blowing her nose, she stuffed the handkerchief into Ji Chicheng’s pocket again, then bent down and took the handkerchief and continued forward. go.

Ji Chicheng looked at the backs of their wives and couldn't help but squeeze a touch of pampering on the corners of his mouth. He speeded up his pace to catch up with them, and took the other hand.

What Xin Xiaoxiao said, the chances of their family of three being together are getting less and less, no... not less and less, will there be more in the future?

It's better to be willful once, just one day.

Ji Anning lowered his head, amusing herself in her heart, forgetting their relationship, and using Li Nianjia's identity to indulge this time.

Just now, she was holding them all by herself. As she walked along, she felt so depressed in her heart, feeling that all the scenery and characters on this street were the same color.

She admired very numb, and her steps were very numb.

But at this moment, her eyes, seeing the world, seeing everything, are the same.

Ji Anning lowered his head and pursed his lips.

Ji Chicheng looked at her sideways, admiring the blooming smiling flower at the corner of her mouth, and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised.

They all have a hope in each other's hearts, that this day will never be dark, and that this road will never end.

The whole world seems to be only their family of three, and everything around them cannot attract their attention.

In their eyes, only each other.

"Daddy, eat ice cream."

Suddenly they stopped. Next to them was a world-famous ice cream shop, and the little girl dragged them to the ice cream shop.

The weather was already cold, and there were many people in front of the store. Ji Anning didn't want her to eat, "It's so cold, I can't eat."

"Oh." They pursed their lips, not looking at Ji Anning, and placed hope on Ji Chicheng. In Ji Chicheng, she was a princess and a queen.

Ji Chicheng rarely did not follow her.

"it is good."

Sure enough, putting hope on Dad is much more reliable than expecting mother. The little girl immediately threw away Ji Anning's hand and hugged Ji Chicheng's thigh, "Good daddy."

Ji Chicheng bends down and hugs her, then he looks at Ji Anning with a smile, "It is said that this ice cream is only eaten once in a lifetime."

He didn't say that, she had forgotten the slogan of this ice cream brand, their brand is called the only one.

The slogan seems to be called: The only time with him.