So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 723: To want you to want you is to want you (1)


The man answered in a low voice, and after hanging up the phone, he picked it up again, and took a few pictures of the opposite side.

After waiting patiently, they were already at the door of the store, and they were still playing mobile games. Ji Anning kept watching the people coming in and out of the store.

At this moment, she was at the door of the store, and she was finally able to proceed to the next step, first to look at all the flavors of ice cream in this store.

Suddenly, she felt a bright light flashing from the glass next to her, she turned her head abruptly, her eyes scanned the road, and she frowned suspiciously as she came and went.

Ji Chicheng noticed her and followed her gaze, "What's the matter?"

There is nothing but pedestrians on the street.

Ji Anning shook his head, "No...nothing."

How did she think someone was watching them just now.

Is it her hallucinations?

"Take two."

Ji Anning thought that she had already reached them, pointing to the counter, and couldn't wait to enter. Ji Anning's thoughts were interrupted by her.

Retracting his gaze and looking inside the shop, it is worthy of being an ice cream shop in the name of love. It is full of romantic feelings everywhere, from the counter to the seats, and even the logo of the bathroom is special.

Mainly in pink and light blue, full of fantasy, suddenly aroused Ji Anning's girlish heart.

She stepped into the gate towards Ji Chicheng first, walked in front, led by the waiter, to the bar.

"Welcome to the only one, can I help you?" The waiter at the counter greeted them warmly and politely and handed the electronic menu to them.

Ji Anning first glanced at each one. The styles of each one were so good-looking, which made her move. She raised her head and asked Ji Chicheng, "Can only one order one portion?"

She wants to try each of the above.

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng nodded, "so called the only one."

"That..." Ji Anning scrolled through the menu, and each one was introduced below, with meaning, some even with allusions, she would read it carefully.

She looked at the menu earnestly, Ji Chicheng looked at her earnestly, seeing the slightest expression on her face after every introduction, he didn’t let it go, he wanted to capture it, and he wanted to keep it in his heart. .

"I want this."

After Ji Anning flipped through the menu, she had shown her love and enthusiasm for many items, but in the end she turned to the first page and chose the first one, the brand's classic signature model: the only one.

The salesperson nodded, "OK."

"Which one do you want?" Ji Anning ordered, and then pushed the menu to Ji Chicheng for him to choose.

Before Ji Chicheng could speak, the salesperson who ordered her just now smiled and said, "This gentleman has already ordered."

"Huh?" Ji Anning was surprised.

Finished ordering? When? Why doesn't she know at all?

Ji Chicheng pursed his lips and smiled a little mysteriously. The salesperson took out a pink love ball with a number 001 on it, and a small English word,'only', and handed it to Ji Anning, "Congratulations, Your tacit index is 100%."

Ji Anning took the pink love ball in a daze, with a dazed expression.

What 100% tacit understanding, what is going on with this little pink ball?

"This is your gift, please keep it away."

A mystery had not been solved yet, the salesperson gave them a pair of ice cream cups with the "only" logo and told Ji Anning that this was a gift they got.