So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 718: Only eat once in a lifetime (one)

She stared at him swiftly walking.

When she came to her, she raised her head and stared at him with gleaming eyes.

"I will send you."

With a faint sound, Ji Chicheng bent his upper body into the car, crossed Ji Anning, and picked up the people who were sitting inside.

A scent of fragrance was left, lingering in front of Ji Anning's nose, Ji Anning recovered, Ji Chicheng had already embraced them and walked for a short while.

He only supported them with one hand, and with no effort, the little ones were all on him, making them extraordinarily petite.

And every time she held the little girl, she always held on for less than ten minutes, and she would be tired and unable to do what she wanted.

They still need their father, so it is right to follow him one after another.

A family of three, all sitting in the back seat, sitting between Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning one after another, or because they have not been with their parents at the same time for a long time, the little girl is a little excited.

She usually sleeps as soon as she gets in the car. Today, a little mouth hasn't stopped since she got in the car. She climbed onto Ji Chicheng for a while, and climbed onto Ji Anning for a while.

"Mommy disappears."

The little girl opened Ji Anning's bag again, and the bag was full. She reached in with a small hand and turned to Ji Anning's mobile phone to play a game.

"You can't play with mobile phones in the car, your eyes will be broken."

When it comes to eyes, Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning themselves, their hearts are tight, they turn their heads in unison and look at each other.

The corners of Ji Anning's mouth were tightly squeezed upwards, clutching soft hands, the ups and downs in her heart were all revealed in the twinkling light in her eyes.

Unable to meet her bright eyes, he felt depressed and almost unable to breathe. Ji Chicheng turned his head and looked out the window. He put an arm on the car window, covered his face with his palm, and wiped it.

"Look outside, how lively it is."

Ji Anning's gaze also shifted to them, and they were still arguing about playing with their mobile phones. She picked her up, sat on her lap, pointed outside the window, and passed by a shopping mall doing activities, many people.

At the door, there are two large cartoon hot air balloons floating in the air, successfully attracting a lot of attention.

The little girl stopped now.

Along the way, they didn't have a half-word exchange. The most upscale and luxurious shopping street in L City was only for pedestrians and cars were not allowed to enter.

When the car stopped at the intersection, Ji Anning opened the door and got out of the car first, and then bent down to hug them, but Ji Chicheng picked them up and got off the other side.

Ji Anning walked over and looked at Ji Chicheng with a smile, "I will send her to the hotel at night, and I will take her outside to finish the meal."

She has repeated this sentence three times.

It was the only thing she said after they met, because apart from this sentence, they really didn't have any topics to communicate.

Ji Chicheng said: "I will pick her up."

In a noncommittal tone, Ji Anning nodded softly, "Let's contact me then."

As she said, she stretched out her hands and hugged them from Ji Chicheng. Then, grabbing the little hands, she gestured to Ji Chicheng, "Goodbye to Dad."

"Goodbye, daddy."

There is a dessert shop on the street, and the little girl can't wait for a long time. At this time, she can say whatever she wants to say.

Ji Anning gave Ji Chicheng another smile, then lowered his head, turned around, and gradually sank into the crowd.

After Ji Mingyue leaves Char's house, Ji Chicheng should take them back together. When will the next meeting be?