So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 717: A family of three (ten)

Her steps stopped, and the sound of her high heels was getting closer.

"I have met several times, and I haven't officially introduced it. I am Xin Xiaoxiao."

Xin Xiaoxiao walked up to Ji Anning and politely extended her right hand to Ji Anning.

Without waiting for Ji Anning's performance, she went on to say: "In the future, she may marry many fathers. If you don't mind, I am still very interested in such a handsome guy."

As she said, she looked at Ji Chicheng, then stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, and smiled cutely.

Unspeakable charming and coquettish.

Ji Anning was startled, and then used the fastest speed to suppress the pain in her heart, and smiled at Xin Xiaoxiao, "Hello, Miss Xin."

The last time Xin Xiaoxiao kissed Ji Chicheng in front of her, this woman who had been in close contact with Ji Chicheng besides her also claimed that she would marry him in the future.

Ji Anning couldn't help but look at her a little more, feeling a little different from when she hurriedly saw her at Ji Chicheng's house that night.

The impression Xin Xiaoxiao gave her this time was lively and straightforward, and her smile made her feel a bit bad.

On the contrary, she felt more comfortable than the noble and elegant Korea.

"I am the daughter of Hai Rui Group, you know Hai Rui Group?"

While Ji Anning was looking at Xin Xiaoxiao, Xin Xiaoxiao reported to Ji Anning of his family background.

Ji Anning didn't think she meant to show off, and smiled sincerely and nodded, "I know."

Even if I didn't know it, I have been watching their news the other day.

Hai Rui Group, their hotels are all over the world.

"However, my father’s wish to marry him is currently only wishful thinking by Ji Chicheng. Ji Chicheng has not yet agreed." Xin Xiaoxiao curled his lips and glanced at Ji Chicheng, "I don’t care. He is a normal man, handsome, and Hai Rui Group and JC are planning to cooperate. If they become a family, many unnecessary links can be saved."

As she said that, she suddenly sighed, "Hey, it's just that I'm sorry I will be a stepmother before I have a baby."

Xin Xiaoxiao talked to herself together, then stretched out her hand, and gently poked the fleshy cheeks.

Hearing the words stepmother, Ji Anning couldn't stay any longer. She smiled and said to Xin Xiaoxiao: "Miss Xin, I've taken them to play one after another, so please go ahead and do it."

Saying hello, she stepped forward and continued towards the taxi.

Seeing Ji Anning gone, Xin Xiaoxiao looked at Ji Chicheng in surprise, "Mr. Ji, don't you go to play with them?"

Ji Chicheng looked at her with a cold face, because he didn't want to have too much sense of presence in front of Ji Anning, so he stood there to endure Xin Xiaoxiao until now.

Xin Xiaoxiao ignored his expression and continued without fear of death: "You should go to play together. Depending on your current state, the chances of a family of three being together may be less and less. Now you can cherish it and cherish it."

She said she was carrying her small bag, turning around swayingly, looking at Ji Anning who was already in the taxi, pouting and raising her eyebrows at her.

Ji Anning wanted to close the car door, but when Xin Xiaoxiao looked at it like this, she felt that she closed it abruptly, and she would appear to be too mean and deliberate.

Now it was different to that Korea at that time, she had no qualifications, no position, and even more so, she should have any opinion on the woman around Ji Chi Cheng, she should encourage him to live a new life.

"No need to……"

Just as Ji Anning spoke to Xin Xiaoxiao euphemistically, Ji Chicheng's tall figure suddenly walked over there, or because she had too strong a sense of presence in her mind, her voice was unconsciously interrupted by his sudden action.