So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 719: Only eat once in a lifetime (2)

Thinking of these, Ji Anning's heart couldn't stop feeling sad.

Passing by a store selling children’s clothing and children’s products, she did not let her family go. She looked at the items piled up on the counter, and some of them were not used at all. The clerk looked at Ji Anning and asked uncertainly: " Madam, are you sure you want all of these?"

"Yes, it's all." Ji Anning nodded affirmatively, her eyes moisturized slightly.

While talking, she took out the bank card and put it on the counter, then she lowered her head and looked at the people on the side, a piece of cake, which hasn't been eaten until now.

She took out a tissue from her bag, bent over and wiped it for her.

"Mummy take a bite." Suddenly they scooped a spoonful of cream, lifted it up, and brought it to Ji Anning's lips.

Ji Anning smiled and opened her mouth and ate the cream into her mouth. She bit the spoon as well, and stared at the little girl's pink face with moist eyes.

They couldn't take out the spoons, frowned angrily, "Mummy."

Ji Anning opened her mouth and asked them to take the spoons out of her mouth. Then, she cupped her faces with both hands, and said softly to her: "Fun, Mommy is so beautiful, please call Mommy sister okay? ?"

They were puzzled, "Why?"

"Isn't Mommy pretty? Isn't she like a pretty sister?" Ji Anning pouted her cuteness.

"Pretty." Chicks nodded like pecking, "Like a pretty sister."

Ji Anning kissed the little girl's forehead with satisfaction, and touched her head again, "They are so good."

Then she stood up, just as the clerk had packed all her things, four big paper bags, and the clerk brought her hands to her, "Madam, please take your belongings."

"Thank you."

Ji Anning reached out and took it. She could only use one hand, because the other hand had to hold them.

Heavy, she stepped down a lot on one shoulder.

After walking out of the children's clothing store, they walked along one side of the street to the other end of the street. This street gathers major brands from all over the world, so the crowds here are also relatively wide and most of them are tourists.

From all over the world.

Ji Anning carried large bags in her hands, and often rubbed against people, but her other hand always held them tightly.


Ji Anning was a little absent-minded, and suddenly stopped, pointing at the shop where they were at this moment and shouting.

Ji Anning was startled, thinking that Ji Chicheng was here.

She looked inside the shop and opened her mouth in surprise, Beautiful City.

Build a city for one person.

The six-character slogan seems to have cast a large rock in Ji Anning's heart lake, causing ripples and magnificent waves.

‘I’m stupid, I just gave up the coveted J.C boss position. ’

‘I can give you a more beautiful city. ’

why? Obviously it is wrong, why do you still have to meet again and again?

Ji Anning led them one after another and hurried away. Suddenly a strange male voice called her behind him.

"Miss Anning."

Ji Anning stopped and turned around. A foreign man of about 30 years old walked towards her with a slight smile. The man's suit was neat and formal.

Ji Anning responded in her mind, without the impression of this person.

She was looking at it. The man came to her and introduced himself, "I am Booker, the manager of the beautiful city."