So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 714: A family of three (seven)

"Give him glucose injection, do you have it at home?"

Ji Anning thought, Xiang Yiqing had already started communicating with the housekeeper how to treat Char.

The housekeeper nodded, "Yes, there are basically all medicines at home."

As he spoke, he suddenly became embarrassed, "But... But Mr. Char's personal doctor is not at home at the moment."

At this moment, someone stepped forward and pointed to Xiang Yiqing to remind the housekeeper: "Miss Nian Nian said that this gentleman is a doctor."

"Yes!" The butler's eyes lit up and immediately ordered Char to carry him into the room, "Quickly send Mr. Char to the room."

Then he said a bunch of words please Xiang Yiqing.

When Xiang Yiqing and Ji Anning followed them to Char's room, the servant had already pushed an oversized medicine box into Char's room. It was the largest medicine kit Ji Anning had ever seen, none of them.

What kind of medicine, what kind of medicine, what equipment, the classification is only organized.

"Hey, it's really complete." Xiang Yi glanced at it lightly and couldn't help but exclaim, he followed the medicine kit into Charles's room.

Ji Anning walked behind him and slowly approached the room.

This was the first time she entered Char's room. It was not as gorgeous as she had imagined. It had some old flavor. The first thing that attracted her was the balcony decorated like a small garden, full of colorful flowers.

Why does Char like flowers and colors so much?

Ji Anning thought about it as she walked into the room. The servants who had sent Char in just now had already gone out. At this moment, only the housekeeper and Xiang Yiqing were left in the room, even Char's two. The bodyguards were just guarding at the door of the room.

Ji Anning walked into the bedroom, looked at Char who was lying on the bed, and inadvertently scanned a picture frame placed on Char's bedside table. With a glance, she saw that it was a woman, so she caught her attention. She looked back. Go to that picture.

Involuntarily sighed inwardly, what a beautiful woman.

The beauty is like jade, with a smile.

Looking at the woman wearing a colorful cheongsam in the photo, these eight words to describe women flashed in her mind. Now the natural beauty that the Internet celebrity PS can't show.

Her footsteps couldn't help but approached, and when she walked to the bedside table, she bent down slightly and looked at the woman in the photo. There is a date in the lower right corner of the photo. It has been twenty-nine years.

The woman in the photo was only eighteen or nine years old at the time. Although the photo has been around for a long time, it is well preserved.

Ji Anning looked at the woman's eyebrows in the photo again, and she suddenly felt that she was familiar with each other.

"No, start over."

Xiang Yiqing suddenly said aloud, interrupting Ji Anning's thoughts. She turned her head and looked at the situation, "What's wrong?"

Xiang Yiqing held the infusion needle and was looking for a blood vessel for Char. Ji Anning found that the back of Char's hand was bleeding in several places.

Obviously, more than one stitch was stuck.

"Sir, haven't you found it yet?" Char's butler seemed to think about it for a while before asking Xiang Yiqing. He looked at Xiang Yiqing with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

"The blood vessels are too thin to find." Xiang Yiqing went back and said that the pillow was pierced into the back of Char's hand. The moment he pierced it, Ji Anning looked so painful.

After finishing the tie, Xiang Yiqing raised his head to look at the infusion tube and saw dripping water. He smiled at the housekeeper and said, "It's okay."