So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 715: A family of three (eight)

The butler breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, gentleman."

Xiang Yi smiled lightly, and after fixing the infusion needle for Char, he explained to the housekeeper: "It is estimated that he will wake up in a while. After he wakes up, give him something high in sugar."

The butler nodded, "I see."

Xiang Yi lightly pursed his lips, then turned to Ji Anning and said, "Let's go."

He put his hands in his trouser pockets, raised his feet and walked towards the door of the room. Ji Anning looked back at the photo on the bedside table. It felt so familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

"This old man's low blood sugar looks worse than Chicheng."

Out of Char's room, Xiang Yiqing chatted with Ji Anning.

This old man...

Hearing Xiang Yiqing's address to Char, Ji Anning's mouth twitched twice, and she couldn't help but recall Char's handsome old face, thinking that the old demon was nearly half a hundred years old, but he really couldn't see it. What traces of time are the same as Qi Helian's mother.

For the first time, she saw a man so well maintained.

Calling him an old man, there is really no sense of harmony at all.

"Where is Mingyue?" Xiang Yiqing asked Ji Mingyue.

Ji Anning put away his thoughts, pointed to Ji Mingyue's room, and said to him: "In that room, but Char is like this now. Without him, you wouldn't be able to take her away."

Hearing this, Xiang Yiqing frowned, "It seems that the action was a little lighter just now."

"Ha..." Ji Anning laughed, she knew that he had made a mistake on purpose just now, "I didn't expect that Doctor Xiang would also use these small tricks."

Xiang Yi chuckled lightly and walked toward Ji Mingyue's room.

When he walked to the door, he gently pushed open the door. The woman with disheveled hair was sitting in a wheelchair with her back to them, facing the window, motionless, not knowing what she was looking at or what she was thinking.

Seeing that picture, Ji Anning and Xiang Yiqing were both very nervous and distressed.

Xiang Yiqing's mind couldn't help flashing the former alive Ji Mingyue, who spoke very loudly and was very nervous.

Now, she is in this way.

"Bright Moon."

Xiang Yiqing walked gently to Ji Mingyue's hand and called her with a trembling voice.

"Let's go, I don't want to see you." Ji Mingyue didn't look back at them, her indifferent voice made people feel ashamed.

Xiang Yiqing stepped forward, walked to Ji Mingyue's side, squatted down, opened his mouth just to say something, his eyes swept to her neck, his eyes gazed, and he has always been gentle and gentle. It seemed that he had been stepped on a minefield, but it was revealed. Shockingly murderous.

He got up and walked to the door angrily.

Ji Anning knew why, and quickly stopped him, "Doctor Xiang, don't get excited, Char didn't do anything to my sister-in-law."

No matter what, this is in Char's house, not his impulsive place, they are here, even cannon fodder.

"You go, I don't want to see you, do you hear?"

Ji Mingyue suddenly turned her head and yelled at them, her face was disgusting, she stared at Ji Anning and hated her for the bones.

Not wanting to provoke her emotions, Ji Anning whispered to Xiang Yiqing: "I'm going out first. If possible, you can accompany her."

Then she turned and left.

After leaving the room, she stood at the door and waited for a long time. Without hearing Ji Mingyue's temper tantrum, she left with confidence.

She thinks that Ji Mingyue is still willing to get close to Xiang Yiqing, give it a try.