So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 713: A family of three (six)

As the two talked, they had carried Char back from the backyard, but they could not find the doctor.

"Doctor M took leave of absence from Mr. Char yesterday, and he won't be able to come back at night."

The housekeeper was anxious about turning around.

Probably in the doctor's instinct, Xiang Yiqing immediately walked to the stretcher carrying Char, took a look at Char, walked over, and reached out to look through Char's eyelids.

Char's two bodyguards immediately stepped forward on alert, grabbed his hand, and swept at him with murderous eyes.

"He is a doctor."

Ji Anning didn't know why she had to say so much, and she regretted it after she said it.

This old demon should be allowed to die, they will be freed when he dies, and there will be no such awkward things afterwards.

After hearing what Ji Anning said, Char's bodyguard relaxed his vigilance towards Xiang Yiqing, let go of his hand, Xiang Yiqing continued to stretch his hand forward, and opened Char's eyelid to take a look, just a glance.

He withdrew his hand, turned his head and asked the most anxious butler on the side, "Did he have breakfast?"

The housekeeper shook his head without hesitation, "No, Mr. Char goes home to eat after exercise every day."

Xiang Yi frowned upon hearing this, "Don't drink water?"

The butler said: "Mr. Char will drink a bottle of juice every morning before going out."

The little servant who followed Char just now suddenly said, "No, Mr. Char didn't drink any juice this morning."

Speaking that she took out a bottle of unbranded red drink from the bag she was carrying, Xiang Yi glanced lightly and said faintly: "Low blood sugar, and very low."

"Yes, our Mr. Char's blood sugar is low." The butler also suddenly remembered, "But I never fainted."

Xiang Yi said leisurely: "That's because he has a good life pattern and his nutrition is well regulated."

As he said, he glanced at Char, who was unconscious with his eyes closed, and a sneered sneered at the corner of his mouth. "Every morning a bottle of high-sugar drink supplements the day's sugar. How can you pass out."

When the housekeeper heard the words, he felt that what he said seemed to be reasonable, "Yes, our Mr. Char's living habits are very good, but what should we do now?"

Xiang Yi saw the crowd around at a loss. He sneered and muttered in Chinese, "Hey, this old man, he is sick, and no one in the family knows."

Hearing Xiang Yiqing’s mutter, Ji Anning also whispered in Chinese, “He wants face so much, how could he let others see the embarrassment of him fainting.”

Really, Char's image is always tall and glamorous.

"Ms. Ji can't go to the bathroom at home? Has he ever had diarrhea? Is it pia to pia to pia to eat? ’

Ji Anning suddenly remembered that Jin Yuanyuan had asked her some terrifying questions about Ji Chicheng.

Really, Char's feeling for her is sometimes really similar to her brother-in-law. The brother-in-law is always in front of others, always above others, beyond the reach of others, except for his arrogance and rudeness, on him... especially appearance, Can't find any flaws at all.

Their handle is impossible for mortals to catch, and they all...have low blood sugar?

By the way, my uncle also has low blood sugar.

This was a coincidence. Ji Anning looked at Char again, and she just remembered that Char's current appearance was really the same as Ji Chicheng's face and lips every time he fainted due to low blood sugar.