So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 712: A family of three (five)

Hung up the phone, she texted Ji Chicheng, "Today I took them out to play, and I will go to the hotel later, and you will send her to the door."

Seeing Ji Chicheng came back with the word ‘good’, she was distressed.

After adjusting for a while, she went downstairs and was about to say hello to Char. She was going out today and discussed with him about sending Ji Mingyue away.

She passed by Ji Mingyue's room again and stopped for a while. She didn't want to disturb her if she didn't hear anything inside, so as not to irritate her emotions early in the morning.

It was already bright outside, and the servant had already cleaned the living room as if it had been washed with water. This is the rule of the Char's family. All hygiene must be cleaned up before seven in the morning.

She went downstairs and did not see Char in the living room.

"Miss Niannian early."

The servants greeted her when they met the employer. She caught one and asked, "Did Mr. Char go back to the room again?"

The servant said: "Mr. Char is running in the backyard."

"I see." Ji Anning nodded, thanked him, and went downstairs to the backyard.

The backyard of Char's house is three times the size of the front yard, divided into several areas, golf course, swimming pool, and the back garden of the restricted area in the corner.

What is the secret hidden there?

"Mr. Char, what's wrong with you, Mr. Char?"

Ji Anning was looking at the direction of the back garden with all doubts, and suddenly heard someone yelling to Char nervously.

She hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound. At the golf course, Char fell to the ground, and the servant who followed him with his mobile phone and handed tea squatted beside him, shouting nervously.

what happened?

Ji Anning was instinctively surprised, and wanted to find out, she couldn't help speeding up, and walked to Chaer's side.

She stood and glanced at Char's face, and saw that he was pale and his lips were white.

With this symptom, Ji Anning felt familiar, and she was stunned. The servant raised her head and asked her anxiously for help, "Miss Nian Nian, go and call someone."

It's far from the front yard, and the people in the front yard couldn't hear her shout.

Ji Anning actually thought so in her heart, she wished this old demon would die.

But I was worried that he would not die, and when I knew that she would not be saved, and retaliated against her, it would be over.

So she wanted to call someone quickly.

Thinking of her turning around and running towards the front yard, she didn't run too fast.

As soon as I arrived in the front yard, I ran into the guard at the door.

"Miss Nian Nian, there is a young man named Xiang Yiqing at the door, saying that it is your friend."

When the two doctors are gone, Ji Anning quickly said: "Let him in quickly."

"it is good."

The guard confirmed, and then gave a gesture to the guard at the gate of the yard. The person over there immediately opened the door and put a light-weight car into the yard.

"Mr. Char fainted in the backyard. Go call Dr. M."

Ji Anning forgot that she was here to call people to go to Char. She only remembered this when she heard that the butler was anxiously organizing people to rescue Char.

She turned around and looked at a large number of people, and went to the backyard, all as if the old emperor was about to die, she was nervous.

At this time, Xiang Yiqing's car arrived in front of Ji Anning. He got out of the car, looked at the wave of people going to the backyard, and curiously asked Ji Anning, "What happened?"

"Charl doesn't know what's wrong, I fainted well after running." Ji Anning replied to Xiang Yiqing, and then said: "You came really fast."