So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 711: A family of three (four)

The suit looked like the groom's dress that was popular in Western countries in the last era. Ji Anning looked suspiciously in the direction where Char came.

He... came around from the backyard?

After thinking about it, Char had reached downstairs.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked up. Ji Anning suddenly met his gaze. She stood up all over her hair, and the instinctive reaction was to close the curtains.

Then she turned around and entered the room.

She quickly went to the toilet to wash and changed her clothes. She went back to the window, opened the curtains, and the whole room was lit up. With the mobile phone in her other hand, she dialed Xiang Yiqing's number.

After a few rings, Xiang Yiqing answered. Hearing Xiang Yiqing's voice, Ji Anning asked, "Doctor Xiang, are you still in country Y?"

Xiang Yiqing said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"Char has agreed not to marry my sister-in-law. I asked him to take my sister-in-law away today. Can you come and pick her up?"

Ji Anning said and explained: "I don't want my uncle to come over. The conflict between him and Char is getting deeper and deeper. Char's mansion is very deep, I'm afraid..."

Xiang Yiqing didn't wait for her to finish speaking, "I know, what did Mingyue say?"

When referring to Ji Mingyue's attitude, Ji Anning frowned again, "She is determined not to leave. She now believes that my uncle and I murdered my grandfather."

"I know, I'll be over in a while."

After finishing the conversation with Xiang Yiqing, Ji Anning left the room and walked to the door of Ji Mingyue's room. She stopped, turned her body slightly, and reached out to Ji Mingyue's door lock.

The phone in his pocket vibrated suddenly.

She retracted her hand that was about to open the door of Ji Mingyue. She didn't know who was calling. She turned around and went back to the room while taking out her mobile phone.

Seeing the two words displayed on the screen, her heart twitched slightly.


She stepped quickly into the room, locked the door, leaned against the door, held her mobile phone and hesitated for a while before answering the call.

Put it to your ear, adjust your emotions, and summon the courage to "hi".


What came from the receiver was not Ji Chicheng's voice, but one after another.

Her excited eyes lit up, "One after another."

The immature voice suddenly sounded, and the little girl appeared in front of her, and she almost reached out and hugged her.

Hearing Ji Anning’s voice on the phone one after another, they immediately began to cry, "Mummy, Mommy will come back."

The cry of the little girl broke Ji Anning's heart. She choked and nodded, "Okay, Mommy will go back in a few days. Mommy wants to have it too."

"Now, I want Mommy now."

Hearing that it will take a few days before she can go back, the little girl is crying harder. Ji Anning feels distressed and hurries to calm down: "Don't cry, Mommy... Mommy will go to see you today and stop crying."

"it is good."

The little girl promised in a crying voice, but she was obedient. She didn't cry any more, but was still choking, "I will be back today."

"Yeah." Ji Anning bit her lip and hesitated for a while, then asked: "...Where is Dad?"

One after another said, "Hey one after another, eat."

Hey one after another.

Ji Anning's mind recalled the scene of Ji Chicheng feeding each morning and evening, her voice choked again, and it took a long time to make a sound, "Then eat more and listen to Dad."

"Well, Mommy is back."

One after another, they were still worried about her, Ji Anning could not speak, nodded, "Hmm."