So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 710: A family of three (three)

Ji Anning frowned and looked at Ji Mingyue, "I don’t know how Char told you, but sister, uncle, he’s from the Ji family, your brother, he Ever since I was young, have you ever thought about what Yao Ji’s worth is?"

"He can be with you against morals and ethics. In the past two years, he basically hasn't stepped into the house much. My dad is very ill and he never goes home. Do you dare to say that he is not for you? He is for you. , What else can't you do?"

Ji Mingyue's emotions agitated again.

I don't know, she doesn't know this, she doesn't know what Ji Mingyue said, Ji Anning can't tell what it feels like.

She lowered her head and was silent for a while, then she looked at Ji Mingyue again, "I'll let Char send you away."

As she got up and left, Ji Mingyue's cold voice came from behind her, "Ji Anning, if you dare to prevent me from marrying Char, I will kill you."

When Ji Anning heard the words, she turned around and raised her voice to Ji Mingyue a little annoyed, "Sister, why are you so stubborn? You hate me and my uncle, you go back to Ji's house, run Ji's house well, and leave Grandpa to your business well , Watching us fall, watching we can’t be in pain together, don’t you just feel happy?”

She didn't look at Ji Mingyue anymore, turned and strode out of her room.

Now there are only two possibilities for Ji Mingyue to leave Char's house, one is that she is willing to go, and the other is Char to drive her away.

Otherwise, even if the uncle comes to grab someone, she is not willing to go, it will not help.

At the moment, with her mentality, it is definitely impossible for her to be willing to go, so she can only ask Char to send her away.

Lying on the bed, tossing and turning, can't sleep, she wants to marry Char, the man who is more than twice her age, will the uncle go crazy?

She did not dare to think about it.

The heating in the room was a bit dry. Ji Anning turned over and licked her dry lips. She didn't know why there was bleeding inside her lips. When she licked it, the smell of blood spread in her mouth.

The kiss in the elevator at night suddenly broke into her mind, madly hot.

His lips, his tongue, crushed her, wrapped her around.

His large and soft palms have touched every inch of her skin, and have been afflicted with her countless times.

The fragrance on his body, his faint smile that makes people feel like a spring breeze, and his mellow voice that makes people intoxicating like old wine.

On his white shirt, he unbuttoned the buttons one by one.

The gentleness of his fingertips, his temperature, her... kiss brother.

Everything about Ji Chicheng lingered in her mind. Ji Anning closed her eyes, tears overflowed from her eyes. Forbidden love was so tormenting.


In the past few days at Char's house, Ji Anning was basically in a state of insomnia. She didn't fall asleep until three or four in the morning, and when the morning light shone, she woke up again.

She used to like the morning of the Char's family very much, because the garden of the Char's family is really beautiful, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, it is colorful, colorful, like a dream manor.

And her room is directly facing the front yard garden.

She only opened the curtain by a small gap so that she could see outside. After looking at it for a while, she was about to open the curtain, her eyes inadvertently sweeping away.

Char appeared in her sight in a white suit, he was walking towards the door.

What did he do in such an early dress?